[IU] Congratulations to Asmita on her PP Election Victory (Day 1853)

Day 1,853, 09:08 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


Another PP election cycle has resolved and that means a revitalization in party leadership and mandate. I wish all PP elects the very best, specifically the PP of India United.

On congratulations to India United's PP Asmitatheone...

Asmitatheone is a leader. I have seen her take several stances with and against the party during my stay in India United. When she stands with the party, she stands with honour, and when she stands against the party, she does so with honour as well.

Asmita has made several commitments in the party thread and this drove her supporters to vote for her.

Congratulations Asmita on winning PP of India United.

On other congratulations...

Some may wonder why congratulations are in order to other parties? Well, this is a game and we all share the same environment. I congratulate them in good faith and in keeping with Wheaton's Law of the internet.

Congratulations to Militiadis1 for winning PP of YUUVA India. Did his campaign article have any influence in winning the top spot in eIndia's largest party? Tough to argue against it.

Congratulations to xordin for winning PP of Purna Swaraj.

Congratulations to asphalt for winning PP of Forward Bloc.

Congratulations to Gaurav12 for winning PP of Aswamedhism.

Congratulations to Prabal for winning PP of The Homies Party.

On the IU candidates that didn't make it...

Thanks go out to each of Rahul k, Chengis Khan, Akshay.IN, nimshh, and games.k67 for their interest and pursuit of India United PP. Your interest is welcome, keep working for the party and your stock will rise for the future.

A special thanks to Shockwavve for leading the party this term. Our membership has grown tremendously under his leadership and he doubled our presence in congress. He finished a close second in the PP race. Although he didn't win, he has earned a measure of respect of the party for his successes this past term.


With the PP elections over, party revitalization is underway and the congress election cycle begins.

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Addy's your daddy!!!