[Hale4PP]~ Time for Fire

Day 2,032, 17:35 Published in USA USA by Hale26

While the election is almost at its close, I think I owe you all an article. Can't have PPs running without articles, no matter how busy they may or may not be. Plus, I'm running against a guy with an epic avatar. Frankly, I'm surprised that I'm leading in the polls when I'm running against this smexy thing~

While the sexy-ness of Talos' avatar has been called into question, one thing that remains certain is my running for WTP Party President. Admittedly, when I first accepted my nom last cycle, I thought the job wouldn't be too hard. During Mazzy's last term I had done massive amounts of internal work, so I thought I had a pretty good impression of how things worked. You do x to get y, multiply y by t to get d...etc.

See, the challenge with being PP is dealing with drama while leading your party. Having never dealt with party drama, the mid-point of this term caught me off guard.

Neverless, I've learned and we've overcame. This month we saw the implementation of a multi-dept system to WTP, something only seen back in the days of John Jay. This month I created the largest Leadership we've ever seen on date. This month, we've taken our first step on the long road towards a more structured populism.

Goal for this month, you may ask?


WTP was founded on the ideals of Populism. That we do not need your meta-game implementations to vote. Voting is a basic part of this game; Not a way to lure people onto your forums. That if a leader wants to gain support, they can not simply pick and choose a few influential heads.

If they want our support, they must earn it from all of us.

WTP is a New Wave; A New Era; A New Idea. When John Jay and the rest of us went down this path, we put much at stake. Some said multis would destroy us; Others said that our "misguided" and "uninformed" voters would screw us over.

None of that has happened. I look back on what we've done as a party with no regrets.

WTP, to me, has always been more of a social experiment than a party. We dare to play this game differently, not only because we're awesome, but mainly because it's....well...fun.

Over the course of this month, we will be looking at our beliefs and getting some more fire brewing. This month I will be helping organize media competitions, Recruitment Team Games (remember those?) and even more debates.

Goal #1 of my mandate, Structuring, is done. Goal #2 of my mandate, Maintaining, is ongoing.

And Goal #3, Fire, has just begun.

It's time to Fortify. It's time to Dream.

It's time to Ignite.

Hale4PP, Version 2.0, is beginning. My question to you, fellow party members, is...

Are you ready to feel the burn ?

Continue to Insurgio eAmerica,