[Hale4PP]~ A Picture and a Plan

Day 2,060, 19:53 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Evening WTP,

Like last term, this article has come out fairly late. We're now 24+ hours into voting for WTP's Party President and both of my opponents have put out their respective articles. Being the incumbent, I should've had this out much sooner. But as with most things in this term, RL has kept me busy. Just yesterday I had CPTs for Summer School, which rightfully ate up a large chunk of my time.

Nevertheless, despite my apparent silence, I do plan on running for WTP PP again. Now, getting into a story about how this term was a beautiful success should be my first course of action. That action, sadly, would be untruthful and brash. Rather, I plan to go for a more honest approach.

Rather, I plan to paint you a picture. Not of victory, of course. But of still, stale, gray.

(The Artist Dabs his Brush in Orange. He contemplates his first strokes, reminicing on the background of his dreadful masterpiece)

Coming out of my first term, I promised you fire. My first term of PPship had given WTP our largest cabinet since....well....ever. We now had more gdoc infrastructure than ever before. Knowing that I had good infrastructure in place, I hoped to pursue the things that make party's great. Activity on the forums, IRC, shout board and an article every 3 days.

(Ah yes, now, to the ground....a nice shade of...black?)
Then, the 25th came around. Congress, this time around, was flawless. Beautiful really; We had no mistakes, and a well run campaign from everyone. This was easily the best congress season I've seen in forever. But during all that time, I had Exams. Exams occupied most of my time up until the 25th, really. Then I was given momentary freedom for a week, until Summer School started.

(Time for more....fine, details. To Gray we go)
During this momentary freedom, I set out on the conquest of Fire. I assembled a Media and Recruitment team, gave them a message and a scoring system. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. Really though, for RL reasons, I did not pay much attention to the team.

(The artist stops for a minute...contemplating how to really make the deep details of this work show. Perhaps, possibly, everything does look better in black)

I thought they had this under control, knew what to do...etc. I wanted to get results without leading.
Sufficient to say, that did not go well. Potato was the only one who showed interest in recruiting, though we did get many good voices out of Media. Media wasn't a failure. Recruitment on the other hand, was awful.

The rest of my term can be summed up as trying to keep up with the foundations I put up. Gervaz, our excellent QMer whom I have nothing but respect for, was busy RL wise. Though me and RaccoonGoon tried to cover for him, he did come back to a large amount of requests. This was pure blunder on my part, and I own up to it completely. Try isn't good enough for something like a national supply program.

The things that did succeed, moved slow this term. PAC has a new director and team member....with limited instructions. PMs were answered at a snail's pace. Nevertheless, depts like Mentoring and Census shone tremendously, on no account of my own. FPS too has done awesome, and I even managed to make a game for it.

But make no mistake; I promised The Party fire. Yet, all they got were sparks.

Now, I break from my reflection. The goal of that was to paint you a picture of the ups, and mostly, downs of this term. So why am I running again, in light of me not fufilling every promise? Simple,

The above words paint a picture. Only, a picture.

The overwhelming theme of this month was RL crushing my time for Erep in every aspect. This term had unforseen circumstances (Odd that I didn't take into account that I'd have exams -.-). Neverless, my plans and vision are still there. All I have this month is serious guitar-er-ing and tennis-er-ing + a minor summer school course. And, that's only for half the term.

I've got this, WTP.

Last month I fought an uphill battle, and did the best with what I could. I've learned from that, and now have a better idea of how to plan for ingame works.

My plan this month is one of solid execution. If I win (and even if I don't), you will see an article out just after elections announcing some Cabinet changes. Through an epic thing Oblige did, and a talk I had on IRC, we'll be seeing two great additions to the cab. Maybe even a third epic one, if I can get that worked out.

The plan this month is simple, as is the focus.

Organisation; Tenacity; Commonness.

Being a man of virtue, a man of attempted virtues someone who appreciates tennents, I believe this platform will be fitting. Lets elaborate...


This will be the meat of my platform. Every week, I will be setting out a public goal for each dept VIA the shoutfeed. Here's an example of our current update . Keep in mind, for depts like Mentoring, there may not be goals I'd set out. Some depts really are going on the best course they can, so no goals will be needed. As well, daily PM PPDBs are going to become the norm. I find PMs are the best way to go about PPDBs for now, odd as that may be.

Tenacity is what makes our ideas; Organisation is what implements them.


Tenacity is, simply put, the actual plans that get things done. Proper Organization makes sure that these ideas become realities. A few plans this term will be pursuing in the immediate future...

#1~ Restore FTW Distribution to regular intervals through giving our epic QMer the attention he deserves, and any help he requires. Manpower has been planned and found. If I can make congress not a headache for a month, FTW can be managed.

#2~ Get help for the Census Department. Tanishq is on fire with this, but really needs at least 2 new hands to help.

#3~ Set up PAC to get our newbs trained for Government office. Irule and Geronimo are running this, and really need their debrief xD. The dept has yet to have a fully functioning Director, so this is really much like its founding.

#4~ Publicize our Recruitment office. I currently MM for the party to newbs daily, but we need to show that to the party more. I plan to do this through a Daily-Updated Doc showing how many people we PMed, and our results.

#5~ Pay greater publicity to our Mentoring and FPS programs. Mentoring and FPS are truly two of the greatest inventions WTP has had. They deserve much, much more publicity. Each one of them will hopefully get an article within the next week.

#6~ Keep the epic Media team we have going, alive. We have many, great new writers around. eCenk, Homer J Simpson, Alastor DoUrden (him being an older one, admittedly xD)...etc. And, many more to choose from. Out of the two crowd-sourced projects, this one turned out the best. Recruitment team may be dead, but this is something worth keeping.

#7~ Win back Glasgow, and defend Dundee. Why? Because,


A little much, right? But hey, indepth is the best depth ^_~


This is arguably, the most important part of the the platform. What I missed a lot this month was that I gave updates on how knee-deep I was in work on IRC. But....well, if the whole party used IRC, then our room would be #1 in the world xD.

Every two days, a quick update will be given by me. A mini-PP adress, you could say. And every 4-5 days, an article will be out. Even me myself wants a narrative sometimes ^_~. While I can't guarantee continuous narrative, or hell, narrative at all, the opportunity for it is there. Everyone enjoys purpose; And purpose can only be made by continous positive reinforcement. Exactly the reason for having more articles.

In summary, this last term was one of lackluster proportions. Much went wrong, and RL got the best of me. The odds were stacked against me right from the start. But, situations change, as do attitudes. With renewed work ethic, a more organized RL and more organized self ingame, I humbly ask for your reelection to the WTP Party Presidency.

This mandate I set out upon has 3 parts. The first was a brilliant success; The second eh; But the third?

That all lies in your faithful hands.

Continue to INSURGIO, WTP,
