[GPIU] State of the Party from Secretary General (Day 1838)

Day 1,838, 07:40 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


It is always interesting to see how parties determine whom they will support for elected positions. With the 5th fast approaching, it is decision time for each PP as to whom their respective party will vote for.

On recent appointment of Secretary General of Ghadar Party IU...

I was appointed Secretary General of Ghadar Party IU. Thank you PP Shocky and party members for your support.

I am excited about the opportunity and look forward to getting more involved with the party.

On Ghadar Party IU's nomination for CP...

Ghadar considered YUVVA candidate AnujJain, Forward Block candidate UvAjed, Mad Monkey Brigade's xordin, and Ghadar IU's M. Khurram.

During the discussion it became apparent that xordin was not running so he was removed from consideration.

Discussion continued and a consensus built to support a home grown candidate. This left M. Khurram alone.

To beat the naysayers to the punch, the membership is concerned about Khurram's relative inexperience with executive positions and his below average IRC activity.

The upside to M. Khurram is that he is informed, has been active in game for over two years, he's an engaged player in all facets of the game, and he works well with others. These are all excellent qualities in a CP and overwhelmingly offset any concerns the party has about the downside.

As the Secretary-General of Ghadar Party IU, I am proud to officially announce M. Khurram as our party's nominee for CP on December 5.

On Ghadar Party IU's perceptions of inequality in congress...

Concerns have been raised within Ghadar Party IU that our members and our PP have not received equal representation in the congress thread and dialogue. The in-game party thread can only include 30 citizens and this has led to some exclusions. Our perception is that Ghadar congressmen were excluded moreso than other candidates. In addition, PP's who are not congressmen were included but the PP of Ghadar Party IU, holder of 10 seats on congress, was not included.

I do not know the truth. I have witnessed a lot of bickering, fighting and debate on this issue, but no resolution. I do find it odd that in a 40 congressperson nation, that an in-game thread is used to manage activity given that by it's very mechanic it will exclude people with the right to participate.

I am watching very carefully how the sitting government manages this situation.


Good luck to M. Khurram on December 5, Ghadar Party IU is 100% behind you.

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Addy's your daddy!!!