[Gold Inside] Tutorial: How to join an IRC

Day 1,982, 06:53 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
What is IRC? Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a protocol for live interactive Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing. (Wikipedia)

Why People join an IRC? Well, when you think this game is boring for just Work, Train and Fight every day, why not join IRC? You maybe meet people you don’t know before, and chatting a whole day for every topic you want.

How can I join an IRC? You can use web-client IRC, like mibbit or kiwiirc, Firefox IRC-extension like chatzilla, or you can use program like mIRC.

Ah, well. Sometimes 1 picture worth more than 1000 words: This is how you can join an IRC

In this example, i am using mibbit, since all of beginner start with simple thing like mibbit.

(1) Enter mibbit.com into your browser. And you will see the page like mine
(2) Click on Search Channels

(3) Now enter the channel (or room) you want to join the discussion. The room name must be started with a cross (😵 character.
(4) After that click Search Channels

(5) mibbit will generate the find result. And if you think this is the one you want, click Connect

(6) Now enter your username. Not all username will available for you, if you ask to input new username, input the different one. At least your username will be unique.
(7) Press the Go button!

(8/) Voila, you are in IRC now! You can text whatever you want into text box, and press enter to submit your text.
(9) This is the user available in the room. Say hello to them!

That's it, Happy Chatting!

Now is the bonus tank! Join the Shinsengumi room in IRC (described above), and you can read the instruction on there: "To get your tanks: ..."
Follow it, and win up to 10 Gold!
(ONLY for eJapan Citizen only. My money is limited TT_TT)

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Ten Thousand Years!