[FPR]SHIELD is recruiting, PP Address

Day 2,401, 20:54 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

[FPR]SHIELD is recruiting, PP Address

Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 2401

Today's Federalist News:
1 | SHIELD is recruiting
2 | Party President Address


It's no secret SHIELD is recruiting. For those of you who are new and find yourself in search of an MU(Military Unit) or even political party the Feds and SHIELD are probably for you. If you have found us and looking for a guide or steps for getting started click this article here for some guidance. If you need some additional assistance feel free to contact Leonardo.Dicaprio our SHIELD MEPS concierge or MEPS and Recruitment Officer nickbergman, MEPS NCO BamaBettie or MEPS staffer Stocky Jabberwocky. We are all here to assist you further yourself in your elife as you see fit.

Our party and unit motto is Country>Party>Self so if you are 100% about the eUSA and being active and want to have a voice for change, or just to have your clicking fun come talk to us here at SHIELD. For your future for our country's future and for the betterment of the eUSA. For your pride and for your horniness

This has been a SHIELD public service announcement Stay Proud, Stay Horny. Are you FED up?!

Party President Address

It has only been a few days into my term and already everything is running smoothly. My cabinet has stepped up and started working very hard. A few have already started the clean up process and most importantly the recruiting process. We have already started getting Directors more and more Deputies and this can only continue. Its something interesting to be able to walk into the footsteps of the previous Party Presidents, and already I am enjoying it.

I have been playing this game since 2011. Since that time I have always been more of the person to take the position that either nobody wanted, or could not find someone for. I have been in every Director position under the sun, but finally it is my turn to take the one position I have been working at since joining erep. I have never really had an interest for any country president position, but I have always put all my efforts into the Feds. Now is the time to show what I can do as Party President for the Feds. With that, I thank the Federalist Party for electing me and can only say this will be an exciting month.


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Federalist Media Department
Duncan Crowe

PM ME to join the Federalist Media Department


Federalist, Proud and Horny, Director of Media
PS. I love Katy Perry.