Day 3,788, 05:39 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..


"For my own part, I would rather excel in knowledge of the highest secrets of philosophy than in arms." - Alexander the Great

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all you beautiful people out there in the eWorld. Seems like we might be the target of some direct wars, right now. How did this happen and where should we go from here?

From the intelligence I've gathered, the eUSA has been pissing off and pissing on eCroatia for a number of months now. This has been a slow, deliberate effort on our part and seems to have finally come to fruition. We've managed to piss off one of the more active and tank-heavy player bases in erepublik...cool. I'm sure there has been a plan for this inevitable outcome, but I have yet to see anything in writing on how we proceed or court additional allies to help protect the eUSA. The 'plan', as I see it, for now is to keep the status quo. Does that sound like a good plan to you? Let's keep doing what we have been doing and everything will work out.

Oh, wait, this plan sucks balls and swallows.

Look at our country. Those spots are just going to keep getting bigger and bigger unless something is done and done fast. We have lost four core regions. There is no way we allow this invasion to wipe us. No F***ing Way. We need a plan, expertise, and the will to do what must be done.

First we need to mobilize our MU's and our allies. I will message everyone personally, no mass mailer here. I will do whatever it takes to ensure we are organized and effective in our defense strategy. Has Pacifica been engaged to ensure we coordinate in the most important battle at any specific time?

Secondly, we need the right people. When ONE invaded us, I was just a lowly deputy under Sir Avruch; but I had the foresight to bring in a pro, BradleyReala. He's was not a popular person, nor was he really interested in helping the administration; but he was loyal to the eUSA and had a plan to help keep the eUSA from being wiped for a prolonged period of time. All in all, we were wiped for about fifteen minutes. Not bad, considering how inept Glove was at administration and organizing his cabinet. Perhaps the right person to coordinate our defense is already in the cabinet, but I recommend taking a close look outside the cabinet for ideas on how to best organize our defense. Do we go into damage control, sit on the RWs, or go on the offensive?

Lastly, I'd recommend growing our MPP stack, eleven is really not enough to help protect us. Let's start with fostering relationships with Asteria, which we have been leaning towards for months now. As you recall in my previous article, some of the nations we already share an MPP with are signing them with Asteria nations. In this Balkan-centric game, you either stay neutral or you align with Croatia or Serbia. And for whatever reason, instead of staying neutral we have antagonized and pissed of eCroatia to this point.

Of the Eight nations in Asteria, who would be willing to talk with us first?


I'm asking for your vote Murica. I'm asking you to get involved in the defense of your country. Do you have information that will assist in this war effort? Do you have a contact in one of the above countries that will help us sign an MPP? Does the current cabinet have the skills and expertise to defend your nation? Do we trust the same people that got us into this situation to effectively protect us?

Vote for CTHULHU and vote to do everything necessary to protect your nation.

My name is CTHULHU and I would like to be your President.
Would you like to win erepublik? Vote for me.


"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great