[Finance] Financial report 6th of February, day 809, 06:00 erep time

Day 809, 07:04 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Dear eUNL citizens and other interested,

Let me start with some general things:

- From now on i shall not publish a reason along with citizendonations as long as the citizen in question didn't request it. Requesting to publish your reason can be done by sending a PM along with your donation containing the reason to be published.

-I want to thank all citizens for the donations they have made, we couldnt do it without you all.

- I want to thank my predecessor Boklevski for his information about the actions between my start as a minister and his last financial report and his permission to use the layout of his report which im still using today since it's just lovely.

- We are starting to loose our grip on the MM, as there is a limited amount of gold for sale, and a ever increasing amount of NLG. I think this means that our NLG is losing its popularity, or is present in to large quantity's in our market. One of the reasons for this is in my opinion people buying gold to then buy BEF to be able to live in the belgian regions of our union. This is why i proposed to sell BEF directly for NLG, so we can keep the gold for sale to people that need it for other purposes. This is currently under the vote of congress at: http://enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=4532

Please note that all information given, with the possible exception of explanations, is public and can be viewed by all eRepublik users.

Balances of State Account, DNB and Ministerie van Economische Zak
See “Appendix” at the bottom of message.

Justification of movements made/received by the Ministry of Finance
January 27: 50 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to State Accounts. (reason: to pay the MPP with russia)
January 27: 10000 NLG from State Accounts to Ministerie van Economische Zak. (reason: standard donation to keep UNL's money in a secure organization.)
January 29: 10 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministry of Raws. (reason: requested to buy raws.)
January 31: 100 GOLD from DNB to Ministerie van Economische Zak. (reason: provide a working capital for the ministry, approved by congress voting: http://enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=4421
February 1: 10.11 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Defensie. (reason: repaying the gold used to pay our weekly phoenix fee.)
February 2: 50 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministry of Raws. (reason: requested to buy raws. It is such a large amount because they hadn't recieved gold in some days and thus companies were running verry low on raws)
February 2: 20000 NLG from Ministerie van Economische Zak to State companies. (reason: requested to pay wages of training companies.)
February 2: 10000 NLG from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Defensie (reason: requested to provide the army with weaons etc. as they were out of NLG.)
February 3: 15000 NLG from State Accounts to Ministerie van Economische Zak. (reason: standard donation to keep UNL's money in a secure organization.)
February 5: 30 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministry of Raws. (reason: requested to buy raws.)
February 6: 6 GOLD from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministry of Raws. (reason: requested to buy raws.)

Donations received by citizens and organization.
January 25: 5 GOLD from Kixtart to DNB (reason: rectification of donation in previous financial report, where 5 gold was listed there it had to be 10.)
January 26: 5 GOLD from AndreasIsaksson to DNB.
January 27: 5 GOLD from Heikanu to DNB.
January 27: 5 GOLD from Mattio to DNB.
January 27: 3 GOLD from honderdjaar to DNB.
January 27: 5 GOLD from WhoAmI to DNB.
January 27: 5 GOLD from Boklevski inc. to Ministerie van Economische Zak.
January 28: 3 GOLD from Garmr to Ministerie van Economische Zak.
January 28: 5 GOLD from Parakant to Ministerie van Economische Zak.
January 28: 10 GOLD from Trinc to DNB.
January 28: 10 GOLD from DanielB1989 to DNB.
January 28: 15 GOLD from Kixtart to DNB.
January 29: 5 GOLD from bolleboze to DNB.
February 1: 10 GOLD from ArtemIvanov to DNB.
February 2: 10 GOLD from Daniel Parker to DNB.

APPENDIX: Balances of State Account, DNB and Ministerie van Economische Zak
(the balance of last report and the difference are displayed in brackets)

State Account

10.50 G (14.29G ; -3.79)

Local Currencies:
8545.16 NLG (17985.23 NLG ; -9440,07)
1.43 BEF (1.43 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)

Value of offers on goldmarket:


355.2 G (372.2 G ; -17)

Local currencies:
33915.55 NLG (33409.55 NLG; no change)
34462.47 BEF (34462.47 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)
276 RUB (276 RUB; no change)

Value of offers on goldmarket:

Ministerie van Economische Zak

0.38 G (67.49 G; -67.11)

Local currencies:
57677.92 NLG (62831.58 NLG; -5153.66)
46.94 BEF (46.94 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)

Value of offers on goldmarket: