[Finance] Financial crisis part 2

Day 820, 08:21 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Dear Citizens,

In the previous part i spoke about some possible solutions and that we as a government would decide which step we take. We have recently done so, and i hereby present our way of action.

We decided to "buy" gold as government, and repay you with NLG in a form of a savings account with a fixed interest.
You can sell your gold at a rate of 1 gold = 65 NLG. We then put this NLG aside for you, and add 5% every month for 3 months. This will make 75.25 NLG per gold at the end of the 3 months. With a exchange rate of 0.016 that would come to ~1.2 gold

We decided to choose this form since there is to much NLG for sale, by using this form, we can have gold on the MM, without the equivalent in NLG for sale as that is currently troubeling our MM. We hope that in this way we reduce the amount of NLG for sale, and increase the amount of gold for sale.

Sounds good making 20% profit in 3 months, how do i join?

Just send a PM to this org, Ministerie of Economische Zak, in which you tell us your citizen name, if you use an org, please also state your citizen's name, and the amount of gold you wish to put in.
This first round of bonds will be limited to 75 gold of bonds, if there is more gold enlisted we will stop at 75 and inform the people that came after 75 first about a possible second round.

We reserve the right to exclude people from participation without giving a reason.

Ministry of Finance,


ps. An other way you can help is by donating money that you dont need to the state (DNB or the ingame treasury)