[Finance] Financial Crisis

Day 815, 04:13 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Dear readers,

We are facing a serious problem, a financial crisis. And it seams there is nothing within my powers that can stop it.

We tried cutting costs on state companies by decreasing wages along with the market.
We increased efficiency on the raws ministry so that they can buy more raws with the same gold.

The evidence is there:
More and more NLG for sale, which leads to dropping rates. Today we hit 0.015 again.
Less and Less NLG in the state funds, which leads to more NLG on the market, which leads to lower exchange rates.
Less and Less GOLD in the state funds, which leaves us with no options to buy away a large part of the NLG that is for sale to stabelize our market.
The wages are lowering, this means we collect less income tax. Were does this NLG stock as it cant disappear. It does on the MM, companies wanting to sell their NLG for gold, people selling their savings for gold to buy gold to feed to the erepublik whore lana.

I personnaly have some opinions on were it all went wrong ( the past MM crisis) but thats in the past, i want to look forward, and see to find a solution for this problem.

This crisis can be stopped, but only by our people.

So what can you do about it?

1. Stop spending gold on Lana.
2. Dont buy Gold from the market, or sell your NLG.
3. If you have gold that you dont need, sell them for NLG, exchange rates are going up now, so see it as a long term investment, once the rates go up again, you could try to sell a bit and make profit.
4. If you feel that you arent needing your money, donate them to the state, this way we decrease the NLG thats going round in our market, thus stabelizing it.

Why would you care about it?

Well it affects us all, if our exchange rate lowers, you'll earn even less, products will become expensiver as raws become expensiver etc. etc.

Ministry of Finance & MM,


I'd like to thank the numerous people that contributed allready to our MM by selling their gold, so please follow their example or take a look at the other things you can do.