[FHD] Congress Manifesto!

Day 1,587, 03:28 Published in Sweden Sweden by Oscdar

FHD is one of the oldest and most ambitious political parties in Sweden, we were here allready 2009. And we have allways cared for our core question - the beginners.

We believe in collective responsibility, we want the best for eSweden. We believe that we together can help each other forward. If we - the collective motivate and help everyone individually, these can then be successful and then also become a part of our community and contribute back to the collective.

In all party manifestos, there are currently something about beginners, FHD have fought for beginners since 2009 - we are no new populistic party, but a party to be reckoned with - and trust.

Our congressmen are skilled, proffesional and experienced and are all passionate about the same thing - namely eSweden! Each elected member of Congress are given, as you may know, five gold, in FHD one part out of the gold are reinvested into the FHD charity.
- Because you can also trust that our members do not stand for their own benefit, but for the people's well!

We need care in eSweden, we need more kindness. Sincere socialism.

So I ask you now to cast your vote on FHD in the election today - if you are not already a part of our community, take the opportunity to do it today as well. We are, after all eSwedens most active and fun party!

I am proud to present our Skilled and Active official congress candidates for this months election!



Sgt Eriksson

OBS! The candidate "Dan Moir" is NOT an official FHD candidate and therefore can not be guaranteed to follow our Manifesto. OBS!

So remember to vote FHD today - for an Active and Fun eSweden

FHD are mixing Skills with Activity! Be a part of the Change Today! Join FHD!

// Oscdar