[FEDS] Vote Feds, Fedicare

Day 3,749, 16:03 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

[FEDS] Vote Feds, No Fed Left Behind

Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 3749

Today's Federalist News:
1 | Vote Feds on the 25th
2 | FediCare

Vote Feds on the 25th

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all you out there in eRepublik land.

I'd like to invite you to vote for the Feds on the 25th. Why, you might ask? Well, I'm glad you asked. I'm going to tell you why you should vote for the Feds.

The Federalist Party has been the largest party in the eUSA for many moons now. We still actively engage our members on our forum. Even the sitting President SEES the value in our forum, and has a thread for direct communication with our members. We are an active meta-communicty within erepublik and are dedicated to keeping the game fun and engaging. Pop on over to our forums and get the most out of eRepublik. You'll be glad you did. I know I am.

And if that is not enough, remember our motto 'Proud and Horny'. I mean, who can't get behind a motto like that.



Re-opening of a long lost program! You may only request it "once per day".
This program is available to all Federalists Members apart of the party. Program is only available for those members apart of the party for more than 10 days!
50 Q 5 food and 5 tanks per day



PS. I love Katy Perry.