[FEDS]Model Congress Now Open

Day 2,449, 10:10 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

[FEDS]Model Congress Now Open



Greetings to all you lovely eCitizens of the New World.  THE Federalist Part would like to invite you to take part in a Model Congress, now open on our private forums.  All you need to do is request access (after registering an account) HERE. Please make a new thread, and be sure that you state in it that you're looking for Model Congress access.

In addition to the Mock Congress proceedings, there will also be training to get you prepared, as well as answers to any of your questions.

It is open to all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.  We hope to host a fun, honest, and educational Model Congress for everyone that is looking for something more in erepublik.  Maybe you've applied to be in Congress, and been denied.  Maybe you've tired of the strict nature of the actual congress.  Maybe you don't have or want eUSA citizenship, but would like your voice heard and to be involved.

Whatever your reason for joining, we welcome everyone to participate.

Have fun, get the basic mechanics of the game down, then jump in to the META with both feet.

If you're an experienced Congresscritter, and would be interested in helping out, we're more than happy to make a teaching spot for you. Our aim is to make this a completely non-partisan program, open to all citizens, regardless of party affiliation.


Citizen, eUSA
It's the F***ing Catalina Wine-Mixer!

PS.  I love Katy Perry.