[ESO] - Members - Free Vote

Day 1,688, 15:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[ESO] - Free Vote

Hello guys,

For our loyal and fantastic members and anyone affiliated with ESO, this month nobody from our party decided to run for Country President. This of course is very disappointing when you look at the pool of talent and potential our members have. But due to real life issues and work commitments some individuals who were interested have taken the wise choice of not running this month. So with that said, this then resulted in a poll vote on our forums to decide who we should support instead. Having the poll taken place 2days ago (for the duration of 48hrs) the result was 78% in favour of a "Free Vote" for tomorrows CP elections.

So I want to personally and on behalf of ESO, wish all the candidates the best of luck for tomorrow, I'm sure whoever wins will do a great job for the eUK.

Those Running:

Iain Keers - The Unity Party
Garth Lidlington - UK Progression Party
Marc Windmill - British Empire Party
Huey George - W o r k e r s' Rights Party

ESO = Every Single One;
A community that is together,
a community that works together,
marches together, holds together,
stays together.

ESO is ESO because of its members.

The ESO Community.

Vice President eUK & ESO Party President