[DPP] Why vote for the Democratic Party of Pakistan

Day 1,983, 02:06 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Dear Pakistani's,

It's been a turbulent few weeks in ePakistan, we completed a successful airstrike against India, renewed our mutual protection pact with China, deleted the 7th political party, PTO'ed The Equalists and freed it from the tyrant Rafay Ahmed and privatized the military units.

ePakistan cannot prosper without funds and at present the richest party in ePakistan is the Democratic Party of Pakistan, we are able to fullfil our dreams our objectives because not only do we have the money to do it we have extremely active people who are involved in the running of ePakistan.

Our CP's have all set milestones, the first national supply program was started under my tenure when I was Country President and continued up until last month.

The forums and present day organization structure was created and implemented by Dio Eraclea who was a dioist whose closest allies in Pakistan is the Democratic Party of Pakistan.

The alliance with China began under the presidency of St0l3n where after three years of war and being enemies we finally have peace with our neighbours China and Iran. Peace based on mutual respect.

Under Shin Gouki's presidency we have completed a successful airstrike against our in-game enemies India where we have won three regions in a co-ordinated military strike that left their country president speechless and humbled.

We have no shortage of exceptional candidates and our list grows longer each day.

Our foreign relationships is at its peak, TheCaliph term as MoFA has allowed us to reach out to countries we never even though off to establish a diplomatic channel.

We have created the Gaurds of Green where we train young soliders to become commanders of the battle field. Teaching them war strategies. We regulary support new congressmen to rise.

Organization is important, I have a firm belief in that which is why vote for the political party that has been the most organized. Don't vote for a party who hasn't done anything for you, vote for the ones who care, vote DPP.

Before your vote, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

President of Democratic Party of Pakistan
Commander of Gaurdians of the Green