[CSI]Open your eyes!

Day 1,737, 14:23 Published in Canada Australia by Septimius Maximinus

A Coalition of Right and Far-Right parties that like conservatism and fascism has had control of the government for a long time now, and currently through congress.. You see, we can view canada as Great depression era United State, lets say that the Coalition Represents the Republican party, conservatve. Who decided to let the economy ride itself out and then it got worse like canada did under Coalition rule, but then FDR from a more left, liberal party the democratic party came into power and made the economy better again.... See where i am leading? If we let the Conservatives and Fascists stay in power, we can only expect Canada to get worse. We need new power, Jacobi and Snow, let's say will be the transitional presidents to a better canada under a more Center-left Left collation that will balance out everything just as FDR did. To do this we need to unite under the left and push Canada back to greatness, back to a more stable economy and military might. The congress needs to have less Norsfire collation members in it and more of the left people in it. Comrades the way to a better and more stable Canada is through a transition of Center-left politics and eventually into Socialism.

Workers of the world unite!

Thank you,

Comrade Commander Theolor

Canadian Socialist Party General Secretary.