[CSI]Next month and more.

Day 1,732, 20:16 Published in Canada Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Greetings dear comrades.

I support Jacobi and Snow's current government because this administration has been better then some that we had before. Although I do support an NE and war with the United Kingdom I believe that Congress needs to learn to control itself, and fight off outside pressures and corruption. The government mainly congress needs to get back on track and consult with each other before we make big moves.

Next month, If Snow decides to run for President my party will support him as his administration will be better then some of the other canadates. Government needs to be stronger and If i can i would like to be in congress as well so I am running though I am not sure I will appear.

Workers of the world Unite!


Comrade Commandar Theolor

Canadian Socialist party General Secretary