[CP] What webs we weave in order to deceive

Day 3,421, 01:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

The english language inherit such beautiful words from the yiddish language.

glitch , gollem, schmuck, schmo and schlep are all words inherited from this language.

schnook: an easily imposed-upon or cheated person, a pitifully meek persona ; particularly gullible person

shmendrik: ineffectual person.

With lesser known shpiel meaning an an act; a lengthy, often instructive talk. Most often used to denote a long con.

Let us all congratulate Rusty D for his deceptions, downright lies and destruction of what the democratic process is supposed to be. A true shpiel in fact.
Lets revisit what he di😛

1. Daily attacked government
2. Totally dominated discord an unmoderated chat room where he was allowed to with impunity denigrate me and my government.
3. Talked with no authority with foreign dignataries.
4. Arranged a region for congress.(colluding with Fyrom to bring my government to an end)
5. Planted players in all parties so that he have more votes for impeachment.
6. Waited for us to liberate Ireland.
7. Arranged impeachment
8. Steal the treasury via Noah Ackerman the fall guy.

You see Rusty D assured me all along that he would not impeach that there would be no impeachment. Yet 30 minutes after our liberation his one cohort made the proposal. And when I walked back through all the parties the deception was more apparent.

Eire Aonair due to inactivity of Littlefishy 1 player. IFP Mark Conran. So we can continue and continue.

Im placing a link to our main org where most money is kept. Please observe this over the next few days. I'm not going to secure it or something. Its time that Ireland learn that keeping quit by not involving yourself negative people win and people intend on your destruction get their wishes.


One player was the whole time on our discord channel Yui Mpp the Mofa of USA. So each time Rusty attacked us and attacked and attacked us and attacked us. And connived and deceived and lied about me and my government. yui had more ammo to get congress to vote down our proposal. He even supplied them as deputy MOFA with information that supposedly placed us in a negative light. Furthermore he never negotiated with the the governments of FYROM and SPAIN to release us. All was done to protect that 1 region between the 22nd and the 25 th so that he could have the region he needed to get a skewed congress.

The funny thing about the picture he shows is the timing of that. Why would a US player keep a screenshot for 10+ days to display in their congress to get other people to vote our MPP down. Why Rusty? Who is the person who placed this screenshot and by whom was it supplied?

Whomever is now voted in inherit a skewed UNDEMOCRATIC congress.


But even if these actions was not the reason the USA voted our MPP down we can see in 3 actions from them a move towards Asteria:

1. The last article by Derphoof

in it she refers to the actions of Yui and say the following:

New Foreign Policy Direction

This administration has spent the past two months cultivating new relationships, to gain new MPPs, and to switch up our foreign policy. This will position our nation to be able to take more successful direct action on the battlefield, and to help new allies in their pursuits. Yui has been doing a great job in this area, helping to create these relationships and advance our interests. Such talks have already lead to one significant regional development.

In the coming days, we will have an MPP vote with Canada. Pending approval by Congress, this would be our first MPP with the frozen tundra in approximately four years. More regional developments are in the works, as well.

Just as well, we have had internal discussion in our administration and in private congress about MPPs with a few [REDACTED] nations. It is my hope that everything falls in place this next month to further these discussions and execute our foreign policy in a timely manner, pursuant to the approval of Congress. So, if you’re in Congress, get ready for a fun month of heated debate.

And no surprises the most prominent recent MPPs and acts of the USA is the following:

MPP: Poland - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/190070 - will be accepted

MPP: Romania - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/189778

main member of Asteria

MPP: Slovenia - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/189884

member of Asteria

MPP: Canada - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/189985

Canada is considered by Serbia and Romania as their regions . They rent 2 regions and any country attacking them will feel the wrath of Asteria

MPP: Peru - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/189963

member of Asteria



BUT IRAN is a member of Asteria


MPP : Ireland - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/189969

anti Asteria nation and therefore rejected


Although the USA still has existing Mpp's with our allies its clear that they are drifing towards Asteria politically. A drift currently objected to by 16 members of their congress.

My predictions is that their MPP's with Brazil and Argentina wont be renewed.


People many of you are sleeping through this game. I want to urge inactive players not to apply for active positions. Do not apply for congress or for party president if for the most of your term you will be inactive.

The Rusty's of this world will come and go but inactivity we cannot cure or kill.
So if your inactive dont quit just make a bit more effort to be atleast be an attentive 2 clicker.

Inactivity or the dead red is the biggest problem in games. Check our cabinet . check armies , check parties their filled to the brim with old inactive players or fail to fill because of inactivity.

Whether I am impeached or not do matter to me. But face it I will probably have a totally inactive political month next month which will mean you will have 1 less player standing up for your rights.