[CP] Peace Summit

Day 1,866, 05:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[CP] Peace Summit

We have been playing with the idea of having a peace summit for most of this month. To get some early feedback for this summit I selected a number of players from MU commanders and Party Presidents, the aim was to brainstorm and get some early feedback to what people wanted to change the current problem.

It's fair to say this FAILED somewhat. Again I saw the same old fighting and trolling as we see everyday in our country. This is very disappointing when these select few are effectively running the country alongside myself and cabinet. However that aside I hope the IRC meet will allow everyone to voice they concerns and hopefully come to some constructive conclusions on how to prevent further in house fighting.

The Logs from this Brainstorm will be released either today or tomorrow by my MoLA.

So what next...

This is a huge problem in our country, a problem which I feel was temporary suspended with the war effort into Canada and Azores. I think we can all agree for that 4/5 days the UK was a pretty nice place to be, no fighting, no trolling... Just a joint common cause to WIN. (Which we achieved)

However after that, we pop straight back into Fight/Shout/Troll mode. This cannot continue and so I propose a "Peace Summit" where everyone is welcome to attend on the IRC.

IRC @ RIzon #PeaceSummit

Direct link
Copy & Paste link into explorer bar

The meeting will begin at 4pm 30/12/12 - This meeting is for EVERYONE, so I ask everyone to attend who can make it. Those who "refuse" to attend, well we know the people who want no change and want to continue the fighting. I hope this summit will clear the air and be a clean slate for everyone to move on together.

For those who cannot make the meeting - Fill this in if have questions or have something to share:


Training War with Ireland

We are allowing Ireland passage into NI in the second battle with them today. After that We will defend Scotland successfully and then attack Ireland back.

Check MoD orders for more updates, speaking of which - "Call to Arms" is now back so vote up them articles and claim your free Q7 tanks 😃


The NHS MU has now been closed but you can still receive NHS support as a new player. All you do is sign up - Then we do the rest by sending you food daily.

The NHS is now a background function from now on. To apply or re-apply please follow this link and you will be sorted shortly.

Any Questions please Pm me directly

Country President, eUK