[CP] - Marching On Together!

Day 1,855, 05:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[CP] - Marching On Together!

So, We hit over 2 BILLION damage yesterday in our mission to defend the South West of England. We defended successfully and as I speak we are marching into Canada with force.

I can't sum up how big this victory was. Canada hit in their time zone (Just) and had the NE 10% bonus on us for every battle. Also they supplied for the entire battle. I opened our supplies for the last 2hrs. So it was a huge success and today we hit them on our terms.


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So I will meet with PP's from all eUK political parties sometime this week. I want to lay down the foundations for the mass meeting and brainstorm a few ideas being going public. PP's I will be in touch in the coming days.


CTA has been suspended due to the war on Canada. I need to watch what we spend so the cuts have been made here to direct tanks and damage on the battlefield direct rather then handing them out willy nilly.

At this point, I will make a call for Donations. If we receive sufficient Q7 tanks then the CTA can continue, but I will not risk our financial position.

Any Questions please Pm me directly


Tomorrow Apronchef (MoHA) will head up a live PMQ session on the irc. Watch out for this and join us @ Rizon server. #HomeOffice IF you have any questions you want to put forward to me, mail them to ApronChef.

Whilst on MoHA related stuff, We have hit a few problems with the online Radio. AC is working hard to solve the issues again anyone with previous experience please come forward. Also starting in a few days is "New Player Week" so expect daily articles from the MoHA team.

Country President, eUK