[CP] eJapan Update D-2009

Day 2,009, 20:42 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
One Goal Only: Raise To The Top, To Restore Power - AceBlood

I made it to the point XD

MoI resignment
Alector, one of my cabinet member, tell me that he cannot finish his work. RL problem is his excuse. Well, since the RL is more important than this game, i respect his decision, and leave the MoI position to vacant mode.
If you are really interested became this position, you can PM me.

Happy Birthday to Oraizan
\o/ As CP of eJapan, i would like to congratulate our Empress Oraizan for her 22nd Birthday. I wish you all the best. \o/

(sorry, i forgot to congratulate you at the day/May 13).

End of Training War
Well, i still don't believed we have Training War until this day! O.o But the fact is, we have! I would like to say thank you for all MoFA/MoD team work, and especially CoT HQ and Ernesto Jeon, to make this happen.Unfortunately, since Europe need us more, and we need 40 congressman in South Korea, we decided to close the NE.
But, of course you can still find your True Patriot Medal in Resistance War. Just remember this: We will have Jeju, and South Korea will hold Chugoku. Thanks for paying attention. More info, you can jump into Forums, at congressional section.

MPP is only 4 country so far, thanks for MoFA work and our allies. We will add 1-2 country in near future. As my promise, less MPP, war (almost) everyday.

Graphic Director
We still finding new Graphic (artwork) director. If you have photoshop-ing skill, and you love anime much, you can PM Me, or DankChronic for more information, or summit your work.
There will be 1000 JPY for new graphic editor. And you will get salary from eJapan, each work.

You want 50 Q7 Tanks? You want boobs? find it HERE!
(valid until May 23)

Ten Thousand Years,

- eJapan CP