[C4] The Armistice

Day 2,158, 05:51 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

➟ Mornin' Cockers. As you've likely heard, the war with Poland has come to an end. An armistice was signed, and announced to the public, yesterday. You can read the terms here.

In my opinion, this was the hard, right decision. Regardless of whether we could have thrown off our oppressors given enough time with some shift in alliances or by a massive spending campaign, we were losing the war of attrition. Morale, activity and population all would have continued on a negative trend. The armistice gives us three months to regroup and re-energize. We fought a valiant war against seven invaders, in the dynamic opening round of that war we pushed Serbia back across the Atlantic. In the hard-fought second round, we threw Hungary and Serbia out of the Western Hemisphere. Those efforts exhausted us as a nation. All the third round of this war offered was unending trench warfare against a more powerful foe and more blows to our morale and economic well-being. A respite was needed, and I for one am glad one was negotiated. You fought hard Cockers, and for that I salute you, o7.

✍ Haselrig
Commanding Officer, C4