[C4] Chain of Command: A Guide to Ranking Up in the Cannon Cockers

Day 2,132, 03:56 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

➺ Hello Cockers, I thought I would present you with a guide to ranking up in C4 as well as our Chain of Command.

✪✪✪C4 Chain of Command✪✪✪

⇎ Recruit - Basic rank obtained by joining C4. The rank carries no responsibilities and grants no privileges.

⇎ Private - Rank granted to those Cockers who request, and wear, a C4 uniform. This rank makes you eligible for a C4 commune job as well as for our frequent feed giveaways.

⇎ Lance Corporal - The lowest of the Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) ranks, Lance Corporal is primarily obtained through a contribution to the C4 Press Corps in the form of a publishable article promoting the MU or performing a public service. This rank can also be obtained by displaying a generally high activity level. the responsibilities of this rank are to assist the regiment Sergeant in whatever capacity they see fit.

⇎ Sergeant - This rank is granted to those Cockers who recruit at least one new player to the MU. It is the Sergeant’s responsibility to report any new players they have recruited to the Captain of the regiment the new recruit will be joining as well as to the Head of Recruiting, or in their absence, to the Commanding Officer. It is the Sergeant's duty to assist the regiment’s 2nd Lieutenant in any way he or she sees fit.

⇎ Warrant Officer - NCO rank granted to Cockers who fill commune requests daily for at least one week. Warrant officers are under the direct command of the General Quartermaster and must assist him/her in any way they see fit.

⇎ Specialist - The highest NCO rank granted to the Cocker who completes at least one C4 uniform that meets the Uniform Specialist’s, or in his stead, the Commanding Officer’s, approval.

⇎ 2nd Lieutenant - The first of the Commissioned Officer ranks, 2nd Lieutenant is granted to the Cocker who completes the curriculum of, and graduates from, the Junior Officer Corps. 2nd Lieutenants act as Executive Officers to their respective Regiment Captain and can have a wide range of responsibilities.

⇎ Captain - Selected by a committee made up of senior officers, Captains have command of a C4 regiment. Captains are able to set DO’s if the CO or XO’s are absent. In conjunction with their 2nd Lieutenant and NCOs, Captains are responsible for the day-to-day activities of their regiment.

⇎ Major - This rank is granted to senior officers who have a long-standing track-record of activity within the MU. The rank of Major is granted entirely at the Commanding Officer’s discretion.

⇎ Executive Officer - These two officers share second-in-command of the MU. They are appointed by the Commanding Officer and act for him when he is absent. They are responsible for changing the DO’s, making cuts to personnel, and sending invitations to new recruits.

⇎ Commanding Officer - Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the MU. Holds the responsibility to set Combat Orders, MU Priorities, Daily Orders and recruit access. Also represents the MU in the media as well as with outside organizations like the government, other MU’s and AIM.

As you can see, being promoted to one of the Non-Commissioned Officer ranks in C4 is a matter of activity and small contributions to the MU. The easiest path to becoming an officer is to graduate from the Junior Officer Corps and be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant.

* Note: it is customary to salute a C4 member of higher rank with one of the following emoticons; o7 o> O7

✪✪✪Special Insignia✪✪✪

⇎ This insignia on a Cockers uniform signifies that they have graduated from the Junior Officer Corps.

⇎ The Cocker wearing this badge is a member of the C4 Press Corps and represents the MU in the media.
⇎ Cockers wearing this badge on their uniform have achieved top kills in a C4 war game.
⇎ The details surrounding the significance of this badge will be revealed in a future article

We are C4.


✍ Haselrig
Commanding Officer, C4