[BK4POTUS] We Shall Fight On The Beaches

Day 1,321, 23:59 Published in USA USA by Blank Keating

Distinguished colleagues,

I've talked a lot about domestic policy over the last two days, which I don't deny is my strong suit. That, however, doesn't mean I'm completely clueless in military affairs. I will demonstrate my large knowledge here: I know for a fact that there is a war going on right now.

Fine, I know a little more than that. I know that there are crazy overpowered Eastern Europeans (and pig-disgustings) who will stop at nothing to destroy America. I know they may be able to throw all their resources at a region and take it. But I also know that they can't beat our organized resistance. And even if - and I mean if they could wipe us, we would strike back with unmeasurable precision in the midst of chaos.

Like Glove said in one of his earlier addresses, I am also a believer that our "separate but equal" deal with TERRA and EDEN was a fun but failed experiment. I am a supporter of a merger as well as being more open to neutral countries in the middle of Europe and the Pacific.

Domestically, my experience sparring with the eUS Military (JCS militia) has caused some concern among their members. I'd just like to point out that the Presidency is not a position you take sides in, and I have no intention of doing so. You don't have to trust me on that - I've been answering questions fairly and linking citizens to the very same militia (or military based on the time period) for almost the entirety of my time as Secretary of Education.

I won't be alone in these endeavours. I have a crack team of Secretaries new and old to help me with these issues home and abroad. I will also have a gallery of advisors as all Presidents do.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's issue which will include my closing sentiments as well as the remainder of my cabinet, including Secretaries of State and Defense.

Secretaries may be chosen, but you can still be a deputy or director. Apply now: http://tinyurl.com/KeatingCabinetApp

Do you have something to say or a question for me or someone in my cabinet? Go to #haveityourway on Rizon, our campaign channel.

Thanks to my party, the Federalists, as well as the Libertarians for entrusting me with your endorsements.

My Full Campaign:
June 30: The Intent to Run
July 1: The Staffing
July 2: The Domestic Plan
July 3: The Military Plan
July 4: The Final Appeal
July 5: Vote for me on the Federalist/Libertarian ticket!

Happy Independence Day my friends,