[BigAnt | Blue And Evil] Military & Foreign Affairs

Day 1,717, 14:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt

BigAnt | Blue And Evil - Military & Foreign Affairs

Greetings eUK, this afternoon I will be outlining my first indepth taste of my candidacy. This article will include both my plans for our current stance on Foreign affairs and future plans for our military. Below is my previous article:

[BigAnt | Blue And Evil] Country Presidency Campaign

Foreign Affairs

I will get started with Foreign affairs as this will be centre to a lot of discussion and maybe change next month. Also I want to give you plenty of time to ponder on your thoughts regarding my vision for the future of the UK.

Alliances are changing within the eWorld and this will at some point have a direct influence on the eUK. As I speak the UK is a loyal and proud member of ONE, however ONE has its problems and we have seen two big allies leave the alliance in recent weeks and days. Spain made the decision to leave some weeks ago, but yesterday Poland followed the route of Spain out of the door (read here). Of course countries have their own agendas and aims but the operation of ONE HQ has been questionable at times. Now I remain 100% committed to ONE and our allies but I feel that challenging times remain ahead.

As ever the UK must remain focused on her strategic interests internally and on a international level. To achieve our goals we must continue to focus on our relationships with many of our friends. We have remained long and strong friends with a number of nations, Serbia and Poland but to name a few and it is these relationships that we must maintain for the future. The simple fact of life is, we are not a military “power” and our capabilities are limited. So improving and expanding our allies is essential for the secure future of our country.

For some time we have been outnumbered by our enemies that border us and this hasn’t been more illustrated then this month. When three nations attacked us and wiped our lands, thankfully one of our strong and very close friends was near to help us fight back and retake our lands. But this may not be the case for ever and so it’s important that we honour our current peace deals and hopefully agree new peace deals in the future. eRepublik is an uncertain world and countries ideologies can change in a eye wink, friendships however are built on foundations over time. Its these core friendships that the UK shares with its allies which will remain under my presidency of the UK.

Under my presidency then, the UK will continue to honour and respect our position within ONE and with our allies, we will enhance and continue to develop these relationships. I will continue to push and promote the continued peace deal with Ireland as this benefits both our strategic matters and all round time and effect (also we both gain a bonus). Of course the time will come when we have to decide our future, what path to take, which allies to chose. No matter what our decision is, it will be one where the UK continues to maintain relationships with all our friends and this is something I am keen to support.

Oh look I work on them beasts o7


So this month was interesting again... As MoD it was at times very frustrating not being able to tell people our plans. But keeping secrets is sometimes necessary to ensure that these plans succeed. This month however I want to inject a fresh aspect and new sense of activity within our military. I will discuss some ideas to help get that kick back into the military, Firstly however I want to discuss the BEF.

The BEF (British Expeditionary Force) is the official national army for the UK. Under Jamesw’s tenure as CP we decided to split the MU into 4 separate MUs (Military Units). This was to adapt to the new war module changes which was the introduction of “Divisions”. Now in theory the plan was simple and clear, split each division 1-4, into - NHS MU (1st Div), 2nd, 3rd and 4th BEF filling each individual MU with fighters from that respected division. However in reality this isn’t working and I will explain why.

Firstly we have split our forces, which means we have split activity, communication within the MU feeds ingame and feedback from fighters has been that it feels “dead” at times. This is disappointing but can be easily solved, So I will merge BEF, 2nd+3rd+4th into a single fighting unit again. This will counter the problem of dead activity with the feeds and also gives us another advantage. Younger fighters in 2nd and 3rd will get advice from our older, more experienced players thus enhancing the knowledge and awareness of all our fighters. Great, but they are other and arguably more important reasons to merge. It will reduce the number of active commanders and captains required to direct large damage onto a battlefield. At the moment we have to wait for 4 MUs Commanders to set priorities before we can focus damage and that makes us weaker. Improving our response time will make us stronger and have our enemies work harder. The new MU will still be split within regiments, so captains will continue to split “divisional” damage when needed.

Again the BEF will supply its workers with supplies and this is something I will try to expand on. To make sure every member of BEF receives supplies daily again making us stronger.


This is something i’m very proud of, the NHS MU takes in new players, supports and supplies them daily to ensure they get the full experience of eRepublik. The purpose of this MU, for those of you unaware is to support players from lvl 0-25 before releasing them into the world. The NHS MU has been a huge success and again this will recieve my full backing next month.

However, just supplying Division 1 players isn’t enough, so I’ll be encouraging a few knowledgeable and helpful volunteers to join the NHS MU - possibly as regiment captains - to join the NHS MU to act as advisors: answering questions, helping out, making occasional “Did You Know” posts on the ingame MU feed, and generally passing on their awesomeness to the next generation. Blue And Evil will be heading this up, because of his experience with the NHS and organising mentors for new players.

Q7 weapons

Other countries have started supplying Q7 weapons, mostly the big countries. To start the cost of the Q7 weapon was completely unrealistic especially for a smaller nation like ours. However the cost is now dropping, so I will be discussing with my potential MoD and MoF the best options to allow the UK to start supplying Q7 for key battles. I’m sure the cost will continue to drop a little more before any new CP is elected so this will be a realistic change for the UK.

We don’t want to be left behind in the race to adopt these news ideas from plato and so I’m very keen to assess all of our possibilities heading into next month. Also this month I will push more reports out for the general public to read, these are key for keeping everyone well informed and aware of most goings on.

“MU Premier League”

An idea which was mentioned this month, and something I want to get started is the “MU league”. Basically MU’s will compete in different tests and compete for prizes (weapons and food). Just for a taster, You may have to take part in a “Fast Response” battle, who will bring the most fighters? who will deal the most damage with a small preparation period o7.... All will be revealed this month.