[BigAnt | Blue And Evil] Country Presidency Campaign

Day 1,715, 14:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt

BigAnt | Blue And Evil - Country Presidency Campaign

I would like to formally announce my candidature for the next CP (Country President) elections and hope you will give me your vote on the 5th. I am equally delighted to announce that my running partner will be Blue And Evil a fantastic player who has taken government positions by the scruff of the neck and made them his own in recent months.

For those of you who don't know me, allow me to introduce you to my past experience. I have served in most areas of cabinet since I joined eRepublik these include:

Previous Positions:

Vice Country President 1x
Minister of Home Affairs 2x
Minister of Defence 1x
Minister of Retention 1x
Under Minister of Finance 1x
ESO Party President 1x

I have been prominent within the eUK government since the very first day I started playing. I am super active and can promise this activity for another month. Activity is vital to be a successful CP, you need to be readily available for communication internally and internationally. Making key decisions which may have resulted from enemy movements etc. The CP job is a stressful position, it’s not something you do for enjoyment but, rather its giving something back to eUK. This is my aim, to help make the eUK better through my knowledge and experience but also to apply my leadership, activity and new ideas.

This month has been a busy one in the war front, being Minister of Defence I have seen the UK wiped after an attack by the previous government backfired. This wasn’t our fault, these things happen and sometimes plans/support are broken for other reasons. Having said that we have showed great patience and skill to fight back. When attacked by 3 enemy nations I used my position and friendships to rally support for the UK and this saw us bounce back and wipe France (thanks Poland) for good measure. I hope to take these lessons and friendships forward with me into next month.

We have another huge month ahead of us, a month which again could potentially be a minefield once more. The big alliance changes which we had predicted to occur this month still haven’t progressed any further then Spain leaving ONE and a Poland referendum. In my opinion, its only a matter of time before the inevitable happens to our alliance and the question will be raised. Which Direction will the eUK take?

It is this question that will ponder above our heads for a some time to come and I will help guide the UK to make the correct decision when that time comes. A decision that will undoubtedly have a huge impact on our future, our friends and our future goals.

Finally for those of you that don’t know me personally, In real life I work on military jets (Typhoon Fighter or EuroFighter if you're not British) and yes I have signed the signed the official secrets act. As many of you know I enjoy a good drink (a requirement for CP, looking at our past CPs *Looks at Talon😉.

In the run up to the election date (5th) I shall be publishing in depth, detailed articles which will establish my candidacy. My articles will state my goals and how I feel I can achieve them. As ever I appreciate any feedback or ideas you may have, so please feel free to contact me at any time.

I hope to gain your support this month, I can help assist the eUK to make the correct decisions when the time comes for deciding our future alliance, allies and future tactics. I have forged strong relationships with some of the most influential players within eRepublik and hope to take this forward to cement the eUK’s position within the eWorld.

The Cabinet

I will be removing the position of MoR/NHS Director, this position was more to control the NHS scheme, which has split into two since the arrival of the new military divisions. The NHS MU will now be controlled more centre to the MoD and main command. As for the other positions will remain and ANYONE who has the time to invest next month, I urge you to apply.

I’ll be accepting applications for the following positions, please send me a PM in game or on the forums if you would like to apply. When applying please outline the following:

* What Role you want.
* What makes you suited for this role.
* Would you be willing to work as a deputy in that ministry if not invited to take on the full role.

The positions available are:

Minister of Defence 2x
Minister of Home Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Finance
Minister of Legislative Affairs
Government Advisor 3x

Thanks for reading.

CP Candidate