[ATO] Flawless victory

Day 1,497, 09:30 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Today, All TOgethers succeeded to obtain the best score that a party ever had during a congressional election :

We obtained 80% of the seats in congressional elections. After those times of civil war it is good to see that we are united once again!

Thanks to this victory, we will be able to apply the program of All TOgethers, thanks to our large majority and the strong support of the citizens. Here are the main points of ATO for those who had forgotten them:

1: As a socialist party, we have always fought for the good of the citizen against the evil capitalists company owners. This is the reason why we will propose soon a change of minimum wage up to 125 BEF such that everyone get decently paid.

2: We will redraft a new constitution and change the flag of the country to only allow people with pink avatar to have congressional rights 😉. More seriously, we will burn the current constitution and begin to lead the country based only on traditions and customs as respecting the law is not mandatory (no enforceable punishment).

3: A great man has died recently. We will propose in his honor to dedicate one day every month During that day, every citizens of eBelgium will be encouraged to help North Korea in their battle. Moreover we will sign a MPP with this wonderful country.

4: Some people may have forgotten that, but ATO was originally created in the purpose to merge eBelgium with eNetherlands and this remains one of our major goals. We will begin to negociate the merging process with them to bring back the United Netherlands and give eBelgium the power it use to have and that was lost when foreigners decided to destroy the unity of the country.

Once again, I would like to thanks all the people who supported the party during those elections and I hope that the incoming month will be the greatest (and latest) month that eBelgium has ever seen.

Kind regards,
Vice President of eBelgium and former Party President of All TOgethers