无头鸡的新系统 翻译已补

Day 1,267, 08:25 Published in China China by huyue

上来直接重点 新系统就是这么说了.......不同的原料厂产量不同 以后只有食物原料和武器原料2种 然后武器厂和食物厂每次的原料需要的原料 大家的原料厂悲剧了啊...我太阳大爷的无头鸡 让原料厂的怎么混啊我了个去 我辛苦的新人啊 不过wiki被删了 似乎无头鸡有点缩了......看看公司市场上满屏幕的9g原料厂啊.......你让新人怎么活啊 期待无头鸡给我缩 给我缩 看了下资料似乎是现有的麦子厂变成鱼厂 其他原料的变成铝场 现在有5页的9g厂 关键问题是无头鸡会不会缩了

原文在下面 文章从wiki.erepublik.com上获得 现在无头鸡已经缩了 原文被删除看不到了

New create building module

The old "create company" page have been redesigned and you can now create 14 buildings.

Because some raw materials buildings can be created by using local currency, "raw materials companies" cannot be sold anymore.

CC = local currency of your citizenship country

Basic production:

A QX food factory requires X food raw materials for 1 (one) food of that quality (e.g. a Q2 food factory will require 80 food raw materials and will produce 40 food Q2).
A QY weapons factory requires 10*Y weapon raw materials for 1 (weapon) of that quality (e.g. a Q2 weapons factory will require 80 weapon raw materials and will produce 4 weapons Q2).


Storage extensions will count forever (once a storage is built, you will receive PERMANENT additional storage space).

已经得到翻译者saintdiablo允许 特放出译文
Next version - One click work
Dissolve organization
When you login to your organization, you can use "transfer properties to manager" tool.
当你登入组织号时,你可以将财物转至个人 组织号里面的财物 是可以转移给任何人的 只要有profile号
Once used, the following will happen:
you will be set as the only manager of the organization;
you will receive all the properties (free licenses, companies, Gold, currencies, products);
原来组织号下的财物均会转移至你帐下(包括各种执照 工厂 金币 货币及物品)
you will receive 5 Gold as compensation for the creation of the organization;
you will receive 2 Gold as compensation for the creation of the newspaper of the organization (if the organization has a newspaper);
若该组织号有创办报纸的话 还会额外收到创办报纸的补偿金2G
you will receive a private message and email with the details of the transfer;
你会收到一份详细的清单 上面列出了所有转移的财物
the organization will be set to "dead" status and cannot be accessed anymore.
之后组织号会显示已死 并且无法使用
The above described feature is not available for national organizations.
The newspaper will remain on the organization (and articles published can be read as usual).
组织号的报纸仍然会保留 仍然可以看到之前所刊登的文章
If you try to login on a "dissolved" organization, you will receive information about the manager who received the properties.
如果试图登入一个财物已转移的组织号 你将会被告知收到组织号财物的卡密- - 是谁
Company location
If you own companies, their location will be set the same as your citizenship country.
you can hire employees in any of your companies directly from citizenship country;
you will receive bonuses in any of your companies from your citizenship country.
When you change your citizenship, the "location" of your company will be changed automatically to the new country.
更换国籍的时候 工厂的地点会转移到新的国籍所在

national organizations can hire employees and receive bonuses based on their associated country;
normal organization cannot hire employees anymore.
New create building module
The old "create company" page have been redesigned and you can now create 14 buildings.
旧的建立建筑的页面经过了重新设计 现在你可以创建14种建筑了(感谢LupusLaureus指正)
Because some raw materials buildings can be created by using local currency, "raw materials companies" cannot be sold anymore.
由于现在可以用本地货币创建一部分生产原材料的工厂 所以生产原材料的工厂 不能再被出售了
CC = local currency of your citizenship country
Building name Building cost Basic production/Storage capacity
建筑名称 花费 基本产出/储存容量
Grain farm 150 CC 15 food raw materials/work
麦场 150CC 每次工作可获15个食品源材料
Fruit orchard 450 CC 30 food raw materials/work
果园 450CC 每次工作可获30个食品源材料
Fishery 10 Gold 50 food raw materials/work
渔场 10金 每次工作可获50个食品源材料
Cattle farm 4500 CC 70 food raw materials/work
养牛场 4500CC 每次工作可获70个食品源材料
Hunting lodge 35 Gold 100 food raw materials/work
猎场 35金 每次工作可获100个食品源材料
Food factory 10 Gold 40 food/work
食品加工厂 10金 每次工作可获40食物(见注2)
Iron mine 150 CC 15 weapon raw materials/work
铁矿 150CC 每次工作可获15武器源材料
Oil rig 450 CC 30 weapon raw materials/work
油井 450CC 每次工作可获30武器源材料
Aluminum mine 10 Gold 50 weapon raw materials/work
铝矿 10金 每次工作可获50武器源材料
Saltpeter mine 4500 CC 70 weapon raw materials/work
硝石矿 4500CC 每次工作可获70武器源材料
Rubber plantation 35 Gold 100 weapon raw materials/work
橡胶林 35金 每次工作可获100武器源材料
Weapons factory 10 Gold 4 weapons/work
武器加工厂 10金 每次工作可获4武器 (坑爹啊
Normal storage 450 CC 1000 additional storage space
普通仓库 450CC 1000额外储存空间
Big storage 35 Gold 9000 additional storage space
大仓库 35金 9000额外储存空间

注1 建筑 原文为BUILDING 包括了工厂(company)及仓库
Basic production:
A QX food factory requires X food raw materials for 1 (one) food of that
quality (e.g. a Q2 food factory will require 80
例如一个Q2的食物加工厂需要80食物源材料去生产40个Q2包food raw materials and will produce 40 food Q2).
A QY weapons factory requires 10*Y weapon raw materials for 1 (weapon) of that
quality (e.g. a Q2 weapons factory will
例如一个Q2的武器加工厂需要80武器源材料去生产4个Q2武器require 80 weapon raw materials and will produce 4 weapons Q2).

One click work
When you click on raw materials or factories buildings, you will see directly the work results.
当单击源材料或加工厂的建筑时 可以直接看到工作结果了
When you click on the storage buildings, you will be directed to your

Grain (storage items) becomes Food Raw Material (storage items)
Iron, Stone, Oil (storage items) become Weapon Raw Material (storage items)
仓库里的铁 石头 油会直接变成武器源材料……
Moving tickets, House, Hospital, Defense system (storage items) - no change
仓库里的机票 房子 医院 防御系统保持不变
Grain (company) becomes Fishery (building)
Iron, Stone, Oil (companies) become Aluminium mine (buildings)
原先你拥有的铁厂 石头厂 炼油厂变成铝矿……
Moving tickets, House, Hospital, Defense system (companies) become Weapon factory (buildings)
机票厂 房厂 医院厂 自卫系统厂统一转化为武器加工厂

All previous migration panels are removed. New migration panels are activated for:
增添了新的工厂可供转化 取代了之前的
Aluminum Mine - can be migrated into Fishery
铝矿- 可转化成渔场
Weapons factory - can be migrated into Food Factory
武器加工厂- 可转化成食物加工厂
New change location system
If you do not have an available ticket in order to move, you will be asked to pay a small fee (20 - 100 local currency) in order to change your location.
没机票又想改地区? 可付20-100本国货币 分别对应Z1-Z5机票