Meet the MOFAs - Aramec

Day 2,185, 06:27 Published in Russia Lithuania by DontPanicPls

Hi friends!

This will be my first article in the series called "Meet the MOFAs". I will be making interviews with MOFAs from all around the eWorld.

My first article will be with Aramec. He is the MOFA of USA. The interview is interesting.

Also if you have any advices feel free to share them with me.

1. What do you think about Bulgaria?

Bulgaria IRL is a lovely country. I had the chance to visit Sofia a long time ago and found it beautiful. In terms of the game, Bulgaria has been a staunch friend of the eUS for quite sometime, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

2. And what about ex CoT?

The ex CoT world is going to see a lot of change. We're already witnessing the struggles TWO is undergoing. Bulgaria leaving CoT, in my opinion, was the right idea. As a founding member of CoT, it was well within Bulgaria's right to determine when it was time to end it. We in the US understand that. CoT had it's time, we lost, and it is time to move on. As the world changes, the eUS is looking at those who remain in it's own circle of friends. We're cautious to move because of our NAP with Spoland, and we're not interested in rushing into things too quickly. But we are looking for those who have been our friends and could be our friends. Bulgaria is one such possibility.

3. And ofc i shoul ask you what do you think about TWO?

Again, we're cautious. The United State's main concern is upholding our treaty right now. We're not looking at rocking the boat. TWO has it's own problems; they aren't our concerns. We have to get our country back in order, and that's going to take the majority of our focus for a while.

4. Do you think that there will be a new alliance or maybe even more than one ?

Yes. TWO can't survive without an enemy to fight. Now that they've won, it's time for the next cycle to begin. We will see at least two new major alliances emerge within the next two months. That, at least, is what I believe.

5. Can you try to guess how they will look like ?

I can. I could spend a paragraph explaining all of the little details of how I think it'll all play out, but the big names you need to watch right now are Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Spain. If things come to a boil in TWO, it's gonna break and leave Romania and Serbia on one side with Spoland on the other. And that's all well and good. The standard countries you can expect to line up after each of those countries will probably line up, but once that happens, you need to watch Turkey. Al Punk has said as much in his most recent article ( and while there are certain points I disagree with him on, I generally think he has the right idea. The next alliance will make or break it depending upon what China, Indo, Turkey, and US do. We'll see how that works out.

6. What do you know about me ?

You're a helluva interviewer, and go to sleep when I awaken. Other than that, you seem like a cool guy.

7. Do you like Bulgarian women? (are they more beautiful than american women)

Beautiful bodies, the best of both Slavic heritage and Mediterranean, and the ones I met were smart. Smarts are a turn on for me. I wouldn't go so far as to say any one nation's women are more beautiful than another. All women are beautiful in their own way. Why only love one kind when you can love them all and learn what's special about each? Why limit yourself?

8. Sex or ER ?

Oh sex. Women before everything else. This game is sh*t. Women are smart and fun in ways this game will never be.

9. What is your fovorite place in the USA ? Anad Why ?

There's a little place on the college campus I used to go to. It's a crossroads of many paths, with a lampost and a little circle of rose bushes around it. The trees around it make it cloistered; a little shelter in all seasons. The way the trees hang make it seem like a roof, and the people pass each day on their way to many other places. But I used to just sit there and watch the world go by. I would go out in the rain or the first snow and watch the way the people rushed around. I would read Keats and listen to music. Sometimes people would stop and watch me, or ask what I was writing. That place was holy in a way most churches can never be, a sacred, natural space. I miss going there at night, when everyone was asleep but the world still turned with the stars, made a quiet dance. That's my favorite place. But outside of that one spot, I love Montana. I was born there. It's a place of great things: mountains, weather, people.