eRepublik eUSA Foodbank

Day 4,511, 14:41 Published in USA USA by KingTaco

Hello all,

Welcome to my first food bank.
I hope you're not hungry in real life, and I wont let you go hungry in eRepublik!

Before we get started, check out the latest give away:

what is this food bank?
Anyone eUSA or ally of the eUSA citizens that comment and vote below will receive a portion of food!

how much will I get?
Anywhere from 150-300 Q5 food portions depending on how many participate and your ground rank.

when does this end?
When I run out of the pre allocated food (I bought a lot so be sure to share! I had to spend 35 gold to obtain more storage 😉

why Q5 and not Q7?
Better cost to benefit from my math.

With much love,

Be sure to subscribe for more of my love 🙂