Bulgarian quiz - First episode + Update

Day 4,152, 01:01 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Ancho the Great

So, it begins. First episode of "Bulgarian quiz". Only for non-bulgarians.

The question is:
Where is found the treasure of bulgarian ruler Khan Kubrat ?

Name of the province, village, city or terrain. Also year of founding.

1st Bombay bomb - 50 q7 weaps
2nd MohanB - 20 q7 weaps
3rd - Xerror.X - 5k q2 food + 5k q2 food by TuK TaK

The rewards will grow with every episode 🙂

Final 00:00 on eDay 4153

Till now the quiz will start every tuesday today is excuse.

So the first episode ends very well with easy question. The next round will be a bit difficult than this.

Here is a information about today's q 🙂
See ya on eDay 4158 🙂