1 vjet MU

Day 2,256, 03:31 Published in Albania Albania by LiLo1

Ja pra miq erdhem tek 25 janari 1 vjetori i MU-s sone.

Kemi kaluar 1 vit me shum miq qe jan ne loje edhe disa qe nuk e luajn me.Do deshja ti falenderoja qe te gjith ata djem e vajza qe kan qen pjese e pandare e kesaj historie.
Si per festen e 1 vjetorit kemi menduar te bejme 1 feste modeste ku jan te futar te gjith te marrin pjese.Mu eshte e hapur per te gjith ato persona qe duan qe dje.
Kemi qen e do jemi pjese e historis se eShqiperis,do jemi gjithmon te paret ne beteja sic kemi qen.Per ne qellimi kryesor eshte eShqiperia dhe krijimi i 1 grupit shoqeror ku secili te kete vendin qe i takon.Kete muaj qe kaloi sollem risin duke krijuar Partin 2 Head party e cila po qendron ne vend te pare.Jemi te perkushtuar deri a te jemi ne kete loje te bejm maksimumin per vendin tone.Duke mos u zgjatur shum ju ftojme qe diten e shtune me dt 25 janar te jini bashke me ne ne chatin #eAlb shtepin tone te perhershme.
Hail 2Head army
Hail Albania
Fck selvija dhe armiqt tone

It has been a year with our friends who are still playing and the other rest who have left the game. I would like to thank everyone who was a part of this history.
As our 1st anniversary is getting closer, we thought to organise a party where everyone is invited to participate. Our Military Unit is open for everyone since yesterday.
We have been and will be a part of eAlbanian history, we will always be the first on the battles as we have always been. Our main purpose is eAlbania and the creation of a group of friends where everyone will take his place. The past month we brought something new, 2 Head Army PARTY which is currently the first in eAlbania. We are devoted and we will give our best.
We invite you to honor us with your participation in our party at #eAlb channel in rizon, on Saturday, 25th of January .

Hail 2Head army
Hail Albania