[USMT] Seeking 2nd Congress Mandatory

Day 700, 13:19 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia
Seeking a Second Term As Kansas

Senator: My official Presentation

Miss Kansas, Miam Miam

Greeting Fellows American Citizens, On October 25th, the elections for congress will be held in all regions of our country (and the Eworld). I will be running for a second term in the Kansas seat. I am the official representative for the America Advancement Party(also known as the AAP). The AAP is now the largest party in United States and is ranked third in Erepublik. The leader of the AAP is Mercurius100. Are you interested in joining an active, evolving, and citizen dedicated party? Just register to the AAP Forums or send me a message.

Profile Link

Now that the largest part of the World War is behind us, we will have time to focus on important legislation to help this country, the eUSA, to grow stronger and more powerful. October 25th will be an important day for all Americans. Everyone will vote and decide who will be representing them in Congress. Our economy is suffering due to overproduction since the war has ended. Wages and product prices are dropping seriously; company managers struggle to sell their stock during this time of low consumer activity.

My Congressman Agenda: USA Congress Infrastructure Committee

Since this past month was my first as a US Congressman, I have had a lot of work to do the get familiar with Congressional procedures and had to catch up other multi-term Senators. I spent many hours reading in the US Forums. I have been assignated to the Infrastructure Committee. We debated on many subjects such as Hospital and Defense System deployment. Many people are wondering why GauisJulius is not buying Hospitals for all regions of the eUSA. Here is a very good article concerning Fortresses and Hospitals, that explains perfectly the Strategy of Congress regarding Hospitals and Defense Systems.

The Northern America University (NAU) will be reopening very soon. Thanks to Tiacha for the great work she is doing to help new citizens understand the game mechanics and all others aspects of this society.

During this term of congress, all senators had to decide about making some of the US Forum sections available for public view. Like I mentioned in my last congress speech, I think that transparency of the government and their decisions is very important. Proposed by Ligtreb, the current D.C. Senator, I voted Yes on making more Forum pages open to the public. I will make sure to always work to keep the public informed about the decisions of congress.

Military, Foreign Affairs and Broalliance

Like I mentioned previously, the great war we were entrenched in a few weeks ago is now almost over, but is not completely dissipated. We still have 2 important regions behind enemy lines and Canada, our great Northern Ally, is still out 3 regions, all controlled by Hungary. Opening battles against them is very expensive and not always successful, that is why the government has joined the Training War Games in Malaysia. These battles are cheaper and provide good Wellness, Experience, and Battle Damage to all Americans. In the last attempt to retake Manitoba by Eden forces, the USA and Canada failed, but only because PEACE spent(once again) a huge amount of Gold in tanking in last minutes of the fight.

The USA has also been involved in many operations around the globe, trying to free allied regions from PEACE Gc occupation. Josh Frost has participated in the successful freedom operation of Northern-India. Congratulations!!

For more precise information on the military situation and future developments, make sure to subscribe to the DOD, the Official Government Defense Newspaper. Joe DaSmoe,the Secretary of Defense, wrote a very brilliant article on fighting methods called War Fighting 101.

On the Foreign Affairs side, the USA has to renew all his MPP's on a regular basis. As we all have witnessed during this war, our allies are the most important asset to our country. We need to be careful when the time comes in choosing our allies. Canada, Spain, Romania, Korea, and Poland are great examples of good allies. They put their own lands in danger to help us by declaring war on our common enemy in their own land. Recently, Bosnia has joined us in the war against PEACE's tyranny. With the liberation of Northern-India, our President had proposed an alliance with India. This Proposal was rejected by India. We can easily understand that with very aggressive neighbors, India was put in a difficult position and had no choice other than to reject.

Finally, you now have a better idea of what my intentions are if I am re-elected Senator of Kansas. Last time I checked, I had no registered opponent for this election in Kansas. I hope that some parties will present more candidates to make this an interesting and competitive Election. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me and I will reply to all messages as fast as possible. The most important thing for the 25th of October is to vote! And if you do vote for me, it will be even better!

Appreciate your reading? Vote and Subscribe. Thank you.

Samuel Brouillette
Senator of Kansas
AAP Member