[MoFA] Approfondimento: trattato di Sirius (in inglese) e gazzetta di Asteria

Day 2,279, 08:42 Published in Italy Italy by Italian Foreign Office

Presentiamo qui il trattato di alleanza (in inglese chiamato ALLIANCE CHARTER) dell'Alleanza a noi più vicina: SIRIUS.

Il trattato dell'ex Two, ASTERIA, è ancora in fase di preparazione. Per saperne di più, questo è il giornale ufficiale di ASTERIA.

Sirius Alliance Charter

In the name of their people the undersigned Country Presidents agree to the formation of an alliance for mutual protection, mutual advantage and mutual gain. All nations signed here stand as equals, bound by trust and shared values to build a new world of prosperity for all members. The goal of the alliance is the securing of our national borders, the advance of our national aims and to create a position of dominance politically and militarily in eRepublik.

I. Definitions
- The alliance shall be known as Sirius

II. Members
- All founding nations signing below shall be considered members of the alliance
- Additional members can be approved by acclamation (universal approval) of existing members
- Founding countries will have no special privileges
- Countries can be removed if all other member countries agree to their removal
- Countries may leave the alliance by notifying the alliance leadership.

III. Alliance Leadership
- The alliance shall be led by elected leaders
- Collectively these leaders will be known as the alliance headquarters
- There shall be a Secretary General (SG), responsible for political leadership of the alliance
- There shall be a Military Commander (MC), responsible for the military leadership of the alliance
- The SG and MC are able to appoint one deputy each, and may draft other citizens to help.
- The SG must not be the same nationality as the MC, and vice versa.
- The SG must not have a deputy from their home country, and the MC similarly.
- Home country for these purposes is designated as the country the player is most closely associated with.

IV. Elections
- Elections will take place monthly on the 10th of each month.
- Candidates must alert the HQ about their desire to run no later than 0600 erep on the 6th.
- Candidates must have a manifesto (program) which must be submitted at the same time.
- To run for SG, a candidate must have at least 2 terms as President or 6 in either MoFA or MoD
- To run for MC, a candidate must have at least 4 terms as MoD and considerable military experience
- A candidate is elected by a simple majority (50%+1 of votes)

V. Ordinary voting
- For matters not relating to the admission of members an ordinary vote can be called
- Any member CP can call a vote on any matter
- A measure is passed with a simple majority of votes
- All members must have 24 hours to vote on a matter
- A vote is closed after 24 hours or when all members have voted

VI. Alliance access
- There shall be a general alliance channel, a military channel and a HQ channel
- HQ shall have access to all three channels
- The general channel will have access for CP, MoD, MoFA and up to 2 others per country
- The military channel will have access for the above plus any commanders required

VII. Alliance meetings
- The alliance will meet weekly on a Sunday evening 12 erep time
- The meeting will be chaired by the SG, or the MC if the SG is not available
- Extraordinary meetings may be called by the HQ at any other time, or on the request of a CP
- All new significant military actions (A Natural Enemy (NE) or Airstrike (AS) proposal) must be reported to HQ at least 24 hours in advance, or they will be considered rogue proposals.
- This does not include “defensive” proposals in response to an enemy NE.
- If possible major actions should be discussed in a full alliance meeting
- All agreements with countries outside of the alliance must be approved by HQ.
- No member country may MPP, aid or support any country at war with any member.

The alliance is based around the concept of a small loyal core group of countries. That principle is underwritten in the alliance as a founding creed and cannot be stressed enough. Every country must do it’s utmost to work with and support every other country, even at personal cost. New members must be supported by all members, because without that acclamation the founding principle is lost. Organisation is our advantage, and unity is our strength.

President of Croatia: Hrcozgb
President of Polan😛 MisziPL
President of Spain: Rolbap
President of Turkey: fedamiral
President of United Kingdom: Count Drakula
President of United States: WildOwl

La CP eItaliana,