The WTP Question

Day 4,562, 16:17 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath
I'm thinking an avitar change to Johnny Cash is in my near future...

First up: I do not support the circumvention of IES when granting citizenship. The citizenship process is one of the most important things for us to protect, because of PTO risks.

My thoughts on IES have previously been made known, but as I stated in that article, it is not an urgently-needed change.

There is a lively debate going on as to Dom's own character, but that's not what I want people to take away from this article. I want to focus on the party, and the particulars of what happened.

What Happened

In a thread on the public congressional boards, it was revealed that 4 accounts were illegally granted citizenship by WTP congressmen. Last I checked, 3 of those 4 had joined WTP. A bit later in the thread, this reply happened.

So from what I gathered, I made the assumption that Dom interviewed the applicants himself, decided they needed a green light, and told those two congressmen to approve the CS requests.

And here's a bombshell:
Intending to convince him to stop going above IES, I PMed Dom on discord to try and have a conversation. I believe I was successful, he told me that he would post in that forum thread saying he will stop circumventing the law. A few minutes later, he told me that he submitted a reply to the thread, but because his congressional forum permissions had been removed, the post requires approval from the congressional forum mods before going through. It's up to those mods now.

In that conversation, he also told me that he would not seek reelection as PP.

While proofreading this, I also saw this reply in the forums.

WTP congress lineup is determined by a vote in the party feed, the PP simply implements it.

If you want my take on Dom's character: I am a very forgiving person, possibly to my detriment.

-RE: his other forum account, I am willing to take at face value that he simply wanted to start over in this game with a fresh face.
-I am willing to look past the inconsistencies in the stories about his RL father, and see it as someone who got carried away telling fibs online.
-I do not think he should be granted congress or PP for a long time.
-I do not think he should be permanently blacklisted, especially not without copious discussion. This is likely to alienate some people and make certain problems worse than they could have been. The rift in this country is very avoidable.
-I do think he is capable of growing past this and learning to work within the system, unlike RGR.
-I do not think his ultimate goal is power for the sake of power, unlike RGR.
-I do not think he wants to be a rebel for the sake of being a rebel, unlike RGR.
-I can hope that he gives PP to someone else (I believe there is a button for that, I may be wrong) and continues to be an active WTP member, but I cannot compel him to do that.

I know I'll get flack for it, but Jesus made friends with prostitutes and tax collectors, and that's my honest assessment of Dom. I hope to be proven right, but will concede the point if shown damning evidence.

The Party

I see people say that the entire party should be treated as a threat. I see people say that all our members "should have known" and "should have voted for the correct person" in the recent PP election. I have also seen more than one party member who voted for Dom come out against his circumvention of IES. The event with the illegal citizenship granting, as far as I can see, was limited to Dom and only a handful of congressmen who he persuaded.

So to certain people who are aiming for a blacklist of the whole party, it pains me to come out against you because we will be seeing each other for as long as we both keep playing, but please stop.

The whole party is not at fault, and the vast majority of the party I've seen does not like what happened. ATO work is not needed (I say this as someone who worked on ATO during the Pizza the Hut era).

Getting past that, I want to paint a silver lining here.

I like the people in my party. I am friends with a lot of them. I enjoy seeing them in my party feed. I do not want to see us all get split up into the other top 4. Next month or sooner, we'll get a new PP and start getting serious about not letting our congressmen go rogue with CS approvals. It's a mess today, but things will be okay.

I know that jumping ship to another party is probably on some of your minds. I did give it a brief thought myself (witnessing the USWP revival is very tempting), but I have decided that I will stay. We have a good group of people, and I like you guys.

I believe this issue is temporary, and it will pass.

A final note: as I said, I believe this rift is 100% avoidable. I'd like to encourage everyone of every party to pause and think a little longer before clicking post on whatever you type up. We will be seeing each other around likely for months or years after this.