The EPIC Candidates

Day 1,373, 06:14 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

EPIC is pleased to present our team of dedicated citizens from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels, which have united under the EPIC banner to build a better eCanada. This month's Congress candidates bring new ideas, some new faces and some of the most experienced citizens from across the country.

Our diverse team embodies the fundamental platform of EPIC, to empower individuals to grow, learn, and expand within eCanada and the eWorld. The EPIC approach to politics, allows for our members to have their own independent viewpoints on the political discourse of the government, but provides a supportive network of knowledgeable, experienced eCanadian’s willing to help with player development. This approach has allowed EPIC to grow into eCanada’s largest political party.

Today I am proud to announce our candidates for Congress:

In the province known as Wild Rose Country we present:

Alias Vision and Roger Griswald

In the province known for Splendour Without Diminishment we present:

Philip Delle Palme and Auroa

In the province known as Glorious and Free we present:

Macubex8 and supabeasty

In the province were Hope was Restored we present:

Bunsen HoneyDew and Chochi

In the province known as A World of Difference we present:

Punisher 1389 and Simonebo

In the Land of the Midnight Sun we present:

ChristopherMIOH92 and ishabad

In Canada’s Ocean Playground we present:

Alexander Keith and Papa Zaek

Where Nunavit our strength prevails we present:

NoobPower and Christian Doe

In the province where Loyal she began, loyal she remains we present:

Coda and PimpDollaz

In the Home of Confederation we present:

The.Economist and JFstpierre

Je me souviens. Nous présentons:

Mansbridge09 et Kronos Q

In the province where From Many People Strength reigns true, we present:


In The Klondike we present:

Vineman and frank139

Help us build a stronger eCanada that advances the daily lives of all citizens:
On August 25 - Vote for an EPIC candidate!

I encourage all eCitizens to stop by, hang around, or camp-out in our IRC channel throughout the Election Day. There is always someone around to argue with, joke or poke fun at.

In Solidarity,
Roger Griswald
EPIC Party President