Sõda ePrantsusmaal. Intervjuu Asteria liidu juhiga.

Day 4,571, 02:59 Published in Estonia Estonia by Mixliarder


Tänases artiklis räägin käimasolevast sõjakampaaniast, mis on kolinud mõlemast Ameerikast Euroopasse.
Meie liitlaste liit – Asteria – otsustas pärast eBrasiilia ja eUSA vallutamist rünnata Prantsusmaad.

Nagu ülaltoodud kaardilt näha, jaguneb ePrantsusmaa praegu paljude riikide vahel – CODE, Andide ja Asteria liitude liikmete vahel. eSerbia, eRumeenia, eBulgaaria, ePeruu ja eHispaania ründasid ePrantsusmaad mitmel rindel. eHispaania alahindas aga ePrantsusmaa jõudu ja kaotaslahingu. ePrantsusmaa kättemaksu vältimiseks palus eHispaania ePoolal lõigata kõik piirid ePrantsusmaaga ja sõda lõpetada (vt punast triipu Navarras, Aragonis ja Kataloonias). Kuid rünnak jätkub ja kui eSerbia tuleb põhja poolt, on ePrantsusmaa langemine ja valge lipu lehvitamine vaid aja küsimus.

Et selgitada pisut sellise ePrantsusmaa vastase kampaania põhjuseid, otsustasin teha intervjuu praeguse Asteria juhi ja ePortugali presidendi Yoradorciga. Nautige!

🇬🇧 ENG (interview)

🇪🇪 Mixliarder: Just few months ago, Asterian countries have been mostly occupied by CODE and Andes. Situation changed rapidly and recently it’s Asteria and allies being on the top again. How did you guys achieve it?
🇵🇹 Yoradorc: Well when you reach the lowest of lows, you only have 2 choices: you either give up or you fight as hard as you can to get yourself out of that situation. We chose the latter. Romania and Serbia managed to clear up a bit of room on their core regions and while they did that, other countries started to do that as well, and join them in the Balkans. We started spreading from there. With a lot of time invested and people being organized for once, we managed to keep releasing and fighting back and that's what we've been doing ever since.

🇪🇪 Mixliarder: After successful campaign in South America and literally destroying Brazil, Argentina and Chile, Asteria have had a successful campaign in North America, that resulted in conquering USA. What was the main point of attacks on USA, while most of the world have companies there and it was sure that they cannot stay conquered, as it’s unprofitable for both sides?
🇵🇹 Yoradorc: One could say we conquered the USA by mistake. The point of going there was mainly to get borders with Croatia and other CODE members so they couldn't escape the invasion of their cores. We managed to complete our plan on Croatian cores and also kick every CODE/Andes member from the USA! I guess it all played out well in the end. 🙂

🇪🇪 Mixliarder: Americans after the defeat have signed a “peace treaty” with Asteria and seems like they’re willing to change sides again (fun fact: they do it always when they lose). What do you think about this move? Would you consider USA as valuable ally, or they’re just fighting for survival?
🇵🇹 Yoradorc: I don't really know at this point in time. The USA are a very valuable country to be friends with because of the amount of regions they have and the profitability that can be gained by using their cores as a land of TWs. But regarding them turning into a valuable ally, we'll have to see how everything plays out in a couple of months.

🇪🇪 Mixliarder: The newest front was opened in France. We can see that its regions are being shattered - Bulgaria, Peru, Serbia and Romania are entering the war zone. Why France has become a target? (Worth mentioning: France was part of Hydra, proAsterian alliance, but left shortly after creation.)
🇵🇹 Yoradorc: France decided to hold a referendum to turn proCODE or to stay neutral. Well, there were many referendums in fact because their government wanted to get the their preferred outcome. So they managed to find one with a proCODE result and therefore did so. They've also been very active fighting against proAsteria interests in air battle in recent days, so it was only a matter of time before they got what they deserved.

🇪🇪 Mixliarder: Do you think you’ll be able to hold all these regions in the long term? Or do you expect CODE to reform and come back stronger?
🇵🇹 Yoradorc: I'm not really sure, to be honest. CODE still has more damage than us and they're "boycotting". If they actually start to fight, things can turn sour very fast. What we have to do is to try to get ourselves in the best situation possible so that when they eventually come back, we have the means to get them down again.

🇪🇪 Mixliarder: Is there anything that Asteria would like to achieve after conquering France?
🇵🇹 Yoradorc: We're not going to stop until all CODE is under occupation. As long as you have Croatia, Turkey and Greece on the map, we'll keep fighting and try to conquer them.

Nagu näete, pole see kõik veel läbi. Alles hiljuti külastas eHorvaatia isegi meie Balti piirkonda, täpsemalt Zemgali (Läti), ja nad oleksid võinud siin üsna palju jama teha. Õnneks visati nad siit üsna kiiresti välja, nii et ei meile ega meie naabritele mingit kahju ei tehtud. Kuid kasvav huvi Balti riikide ja meie naabruskonna vastu on ilmne, nii et me peame alati valvel olema.

Tänan, et lugesite,