Roger Griswald for EPIC Party Prez

Day 1,361, 11:50 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Last time I wrote to you, EPIC members, I was a hopeful Prince Edward Island Congress candidate. Since that time I have not only successfully gained that seat, but have held a number of positions in Government cabinet as well as in Canada’s International alliances and abroad in our eNations allied governments. Earlier this month I returned to eCanada with a fresh outlook on our social and political future. It is this new perspective that has given me pause to officially announce my bid for EPIC Party President this month.

Over a year ago I became a citizen in the eRepublik community. In my first month in existence I joined EPIC. I believed that it was a party that offered me the social network to grow as a citizen without binding any of its political ambitions onto me. While I grew as an active citizen within eCanada (my various titles are listed at the end of the article), EPIC provided me with the connections and resources to accomplish my goals. While the party is one of independents, its primary goal is to advance eCanada socially, politically, economically and militarily. I would like to expand on the solid support base EPIC has and continue to provide a network that aides all members, new and old alike.

While I have been an EPIC member for over half of the eLife, I have also been a member of other political parties within eCanada (revived the dying Socialist Party of eCanada and merged it with the Canadian Paradox Party, a move that led to the rapid revival of the Paradox Party and grew it back into the top five parties in eCanada) as well as being an active member of political parties abroad (namely the Independent Labour Party of Ireland). My experience within other political parties has provided me with insight into other structures and practices as well as new ideas for how to improve on our already strong political party.

Three of the goals that I am proposing from my experience away from the party that I would like to try out in my term as party president are as follows:

1) We need an activity boost! Not only that, but an overall member boost in general. It's going to be hard with our lack of political standing, but I'm sure there are more potential independents out there who would benefit from our unique approach to political partying and they'd do well to join. To this end I would like to expand our forums and implement a number of tactics to pull members from in-game to the party forum and thus into being move active.

2) I want to organise some sort of an unofficial council. This ties in with my activity boost because it will give members of the party who are not president something to aim for internally. They'll get a flashy title of some kind, and obviously have a well valued opinion to the president based on their ideas and thoughts, the council would be ad-hoc and would be open to all members who have the time to help advance the party by applying their own unique skills.

3) The Independent Legion was an amazing idea that party members crafted months ago. I was impressed to see the legion grow so quickly but not surprised at its excellent administration given the titans behind it. That being said, I believe that the mechanism for resourcing and aiding party members growth is excellent and would like to expand the ties and services offered through the legion going forward.

On August 15, choose the new-old politico and elect me Roger Griswald as Party President.

Roger Griswald
- former eCanada Minister of Information
- former member of the EDEN media team
- former director of the NCAP
- former Ambassador to the eUK
- former Congress member
- former CO for the 1st Mobile Infantry of the CAF
- former director of the CAF PR department and newspaper the Guardian
- former Vice President of the Canadian Paradox Party
- former President of the Socialist Party of eCanada

All hail the Monkey God!!!!!