Roger Griswald for Congress in Ontario for a Stronger eCanada

Day 1,189, 16:05 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

I, Roger Griswald, am running for Congress in Ontario with the Canadian Paradox Party(CPP). I have been reluctant to run for Congress for some time, working outside of Congress to advance eCanada. However, with recent changes to leadership, the CPP and myself see a great opportunity to strengthen our society, an opportunity that I am committed to.

With the eWorld in such turmoil, alliances changing everyday, it is imperative for eCanada to be in constant communication with our allies and taking an active role in the leadership of our global alliances. I will work to ensure that eCanada does not miss our on a seat at the table that will deside our furture military and economic success. As is the case with many of the CPP candidates, I feel that the eCanadian government should be more accountable to its citizens, to this end I will push the government to publish articles regularly as to its actions to ensure all citizenry are ‘in the know’.

I stand behind the full platform of the CPP, which we plan to bring to Congress if elected. The changes we would like to see in our government will strengthen our community, military and government. Click here to read our entre platform.

For more information about the CPP visit our forums or join us on our open IRC.

As to my experience, I held/hold the following titles:
- current Vice President of the Canadian Paradox Party
- current director of the NCAP
- current Ambassador to the eUK
- former Minister of Information
- former Congress member (October 2010)
- current CO for the 1st Mobile Infantry of the CAF
- current director of the CAF PR department and newspaper the Guardian

Help me to continue to improve our eCanada by electing me into Congress for Ontario.