Roger Griswald for Congress in Alberta - Red Dawn Rising

Day 1,372, 15:41 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

I, Roger Griswald, am running for Congress in Alberta with the Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians aka EPIC. I have been reluctant to run for Congress for some time, working outside of Congress to advance eCanada. However, given the current political climate I believe there is a great opportunity to strengthen our society, an endeavor I am committed too.

As a country that recently regained all of its regions following occupation by Poland, we know well the volatile nature of the modern eWorld. As the current Minister of Defense for eCanada I work everyday with our allies to advance our military standing in the world while defending our shores from aggressors interested in regaining a hold in our native lands.

I will bring my experience and knowledge of global affairs to Congress and vote consistently to defend eCanada’s interest, to that end I will fight to ensure that we:

1. Acquire a new Natural Enemy for our country's soldiers to advance in rank swiftly.
2. Ensure that re gain the resource bonuses necessary to strengthen our soldiers and economy.
3. Work to defend our allies against mutual allies and strengthen our brothers and sisters in EDEN/terra.

I promise to keep you the citizens of eCanada in the loop and aware of the actions of the government you pay for with weekly updates regarding Congress votes and resolutions. These updates will ensure that the government is relevant to its citizens and will ensure that you, the electorate, can hold us accountable.

The changes my fellow EPIC candidates and myself would like to see in our government will strengthen our community, military and government. Join me in these goals by voting Roger Griswald for Congress on Alberta on August 25th.

For more information about EPIC, visit our forums or join us on our open IRC.

Roger Griswald
Minister of Defense
EPIC Party President
Former positions:
Minister of Information | Player Support Coordinator - NCAP
PEI and Ontario Congress Member | eCanadian Ambassador to the eUK | EDEN Media Writer
Vice President ~ Canadian Paradox Party | President ~ Socialist Party of eCanada
Chief of Public Relations & Recruitment and XO of the Infantry Branch - Canadian Armed Forces