REVOLUCIONA, Stand Up, Fight Back!

Day 1,428, 08:10 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald


My Friends,

Two days ago, I announced with a heavy heart that the political take-over(PTO) of our country by a Romanian PTO had ties far closer to home and that I believed that the evidence was mounting to prove that our Country President (CP) was in fact a party to the planning and execution of the PTO. Since my article was published, our community, which is generally plagued by in-activity, sat up in attention as my arguments and those of half a dozen of our Country’s most senior congress members began being attacked by agents of the CP in a desperate bid to deflect our accusations as petty hate mongering.

The loudest voices confronting the accusations made against the CP have come from some of eCanada most notorious figures, a rag tag group of trolls that is comprised of eCanadian court convicted criminals (Rolo:, Wes Lewis a.k.a Julius Caligula) and lackeys who have openly supported the PTO of our country (Muglack (Addy’s Minister of Defense): | Wally Cleaver | Only Atoms). I ask eCanadians to bear in mind that these are the voices yelling loudest in favour of our CP Addy Lawrence (, who refuses to remove those clearly guilty from his Cabinet, and barely says boo against them in the media in addition to refusing to speak negatively of them on the issue in Congress.

While I believe that Addy is still guilty of treason for his role in the PTO and for his failure to act in defense of our nation against his friends; we must do everything we can to block this PTO from taking place. It is now time to fight back.

In Congress I have proposed that the Executive turn over the coordination of the ATO to our Military, the very institution that exists to fight against eCanada’s enemies. I proposed a joint task force of the CAF and TCO working together in coordination with all Party Presidents to block PTO candidates. I also asked CP Addy Lawrence to call on his friends and allies Wally Cleaver (PP of the Military Action Party) and Rolo Tahmase (PP of the Norsefire Party) to resign their Party Presidencies as a showing of solidarity for our country (Addy refuses to do this) due to their roles in the PTO. In addition to my calls for action a number of congress members have laid out a plan for National Unity against this PTO.

Today, I ask you to aid us in this goal, while many of us are fed up with the tireless political posturing and deception showed by our Executive, I stress that it is not to late to reclaim our sovereignty. We must all stand up and fight against the attack on our nation. I appeal to all citizens to participate in the counter measures that will be laid out by our military in the days to come.

For a Strong and Sovereign eCanada: Stand Up, Fight Back!

In solidarity,
Roger Griswald