Operation Bibimbap: To arms my brothers and sisters!

Day 1,387, 08:54 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

eCanada finds itself in a precarious situation in its war with eJapan. While we were attacking them from the north the eSouth Korean hordes were decimating eJapan from the south.

While I was one of the architects behind the plan to corner the world sushi supply I have had a change of heart towards our former allies. While eCanada has spent a lot of funds helping to rebuild the economy in the regions we have conquered in an attempt to improve the daily lives of those who live there, eSouth Korea has implemented a slash and burn tactic, razing cities and enslaving hundred of eJapanese into their draconian caste system of indentured servitude.

Due to the success of both military campaigns, eCanada now shares a border with the bloodthirsty eSouth Korean occupiers. While eSouth Korea is content with us holding our regions in northern Japan as long as we do not interfere in their management of the regions in southern Japan, I believe that we must make a decision as to what ethical violations we are willing to allow before intervening.

I believe that eSouth Korea has crossed the line, they need to be stopped and so today I am calling on all eCanadians to move across the blood stained border and begin pushing back the despicable armies of the eSouth Koreans, its time for action. We must defend those who are helpless and we can do a lot of good for eJapan. Its time we evolve Operation Sushimi into Operation Bibimbap .

Let’s show those eSouth Koreans what a real army fights like.
To arms my brothers and sisters!

Ok well this article is totally a lie, eSouth Korea is eJapan's closest ally... but hey let's take them out anyway... hehehe!