eRep Radio Day 4560

Day 4,560, 03:07 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

Music time again!

Yesterday's article

To participate:
1: Comment on this article with a song you want me to play

2: top 3 voted comments are guaranteed to have their songs played in tomorrow's article, along with 2 others of my choice

3: the #1 comment each day wins 1000cc!

Our lucky soul for today is RF Williams, who suggested "Lucille" by Little Richard

Got a great one in the number 2 slot! Here's Billy Joel, "Still Rock and Roll to me" suggested by Thee Dude

For number 3, here's an interesting one, "Tokyo" by Gruppo Sportivo suggested by Elmo the Great

Number 4 gives us Sunstorm and Joe Lynn Turner's "Edge of Tomorrow" suggested by scarle

And number 5, how paradoxical is it to feel nostalgia for a song about nostalgia? Don Henley - "Boys of Summer"

And with that, another day is come and gone. It is time you will never get back. Enjoy life while you have it! And happy listening...
