EPIC PARTY NEWS - The Month Ahead

Day 1,365, 14:44 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Hello my EPIC Brother and Sisters:

Yesterday, members cast ballots for our Party President for the next 30 days, and I am thankful to all of you for entrusting me with the presidency of this dynamic party. To the others who ran for Party President, I applaud your efforts and was impressed to see that 12 other candidates wanted to share their ideas for advancing our party. I would encourage all of you to continue to be active and work together in building a better EPIC Party.

The next month will prove to be an exciting one for eCanada on the political front in Congress, however with our party holding a quarter of the seats, as a party we will play a key role in helping to iron out the kinks and get the government back to its job of working for its citizens.

Our party has been in good hands throughout the summer under the leadership of Treian and Sperry and I hope to build on the solid work they have accomplished for us all.

This month I would like to see a greater participation in the day-to-day workings of the party. I encourage all members to stop by, hang around, or camp-out in our IRC channel. There is always someone around to argue with, joke or poke fun at. Also, a great resource for what’s going on within EPIC is available in our forums, swing bye for a peak or feel free to tell us what on your mind.

Some of the activities/opportunities that the party is working on this month that you as members should get involved with include:

EPIC Vanguard
The Epic Vanguard has long been the party’s best weapon in the scramble for Congress seats during elections. While this will not change, this month the Vanguard’s role will be expanded to offer members the chance to improve their in-games skills in the political realm while helping out the party. If you are interested in becoming more active in the party, this is a great chance for you to shine by writing articles, engaging in political debate and helping fellow players out with game. Fire off a PM to me letting me know your interested and I will get you started. If you just have time to help with Congress elections, that’s good too, send me a PM letting me know your availabilities and I will plug you in.

The Independent Legion
The Independent Legion was created by some of EPIC’s strongest leaders as a Military Unit that fights for Canada’s interest, while helping advance the well-being, strength and military skill of its members. The legion is currently reworking its structure and throughout my term I will work with their leadership to get the IL back on its feet and growing once more. For more information about the Independent Legion or how to join visit the EPIC forums.

Congress Elections
Preparations are underway to ensure that come August 25th, EPIC is well positioned to have a successful Congress election. To this end, EPIC is looking to fill up all of our Congressional candidate seats. With Canada back on its feet, we should be able to anticipate running candidates in the vast majority, if not all, of our native regions. Member’s interested in running this month or finding out additional information should check out the Congress Elections post in the forums.

For new and old players interested in finding out more about EPIC I encourage you to check out our forums or stop by the IRC channel.

I will be working hard to update members regularly and ensure that the party remains active. Join me in helping to advance eCanada’s largest party.

In solidarity,
Roger Griswald
EPIC Party President