eCanadian Govt. Back in Business and Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,149

Day 1,149, 10:00 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eCanadian government back on its feet following theft.
- eRomania and eHungary resume hostilities with ePoland caught in between
- Todays major battles will be fought on opposite sides of the Adriatic Sea
- eFinland continues to aid eNorway: today’s battle is a mere region swap
- eBolivia and eArgentina act as best of friends; ties to EDEN gone for good?
- eIndonesia attempts to eat the PACMAN alliance

eCanada back in business

Following the actions of now impeached eCanadian CP Wes_Lewis (as reported yesterday), the eCanadian Government has swiftly gotten back onto its feet through an unprecedented maneuver of national unity.

The new CP Aeriala, a capable leader, is actively working with a team of Ministers and experienced citizens to restore order and stability within the government to ensure that eCanada is not hindered in the services it offers to citizens.

In addition to services, the government noted that the defense of eCanada was never in question as that both the national army (Canadian Armed Forces) and largest militia (The Crimson Order) are both financially stable and able to fund any and all military action necessary to advance eCanada and its allies around the eWorld.

A statement from Aeriala and the government as to the actions of Lewis is expected in the next few days and it is expected that Lewis likely be dealt with swiftly in the eCanadian courts.

eRomania and eHungary

Yesterday, eRomania reinvigorated its conflict with eHungary, once again attacking the eHungarian region of Norther Great Plain. The attack, which represents the 68th time the region has been under attack in the last 18 months, marks the first time the two eNations have gone to war in weeks.

The battle marks another battle where ePoland will be fighting for eHungary against eRomania. While ePoland has not issued orders for citizens to do so, ePoland will effectively be fighting along side eIndonesia, eIran, eTurkey, eArgentina and the eUK against eRomania and her stack of EDEN friendly MPPs, an action that sends shivers down the spines of most EDEN member-nation’s leaders.

eCroatia vs. eSerbia and eSlovenia vs. eItaly

While there are a number of battles being fought across the eWorld today, the largest conflicts (aka Battle Royals) will be the two happening on opposite sides of the Adriatic Sea.

eSerbia is attempting to remove eCroatia from the Central Montenegro region it is occupying in eMontenegro (who is an ally of eSerbia via PTO), a region that provides the only access eCroatia has to fruit. The two eNations bring an impressive stack of allies to the conflict (31 in total) with eSerbia having a slight advantage.

eItaly will attempt to stem the continued spread of eSlovenia into its region today, by preventing the loss of their only remaining Northern region of Aosta Valley. While the battle has been trending in eSlovenia’s favour, the outcome of this battle will be closely tied to the battles underway in Central Montenegro as the allies for both battles overlap entirely.

eFinland and eNorway

Today, eNorway attacked the eFinland region of Lapland. The attack comes after a successful negotiation between these close allies on region swapping the rich iron region of Lapland into eNorway.

The move should boost the eNorwegian economy, which has not yet completely recovered from being wiped out by Phoenix months ago. Over the last several months, eSweden and particularly eFinland have worked in solidarity with eNorway to help reestablish their ravaged brethren.

eBolivia and eArgentina

At one point eBolivia was the only EDEN friendly eNation in Latin America, however today the vast majority of ties have been severed due to the influence and PTOs waged by eArgentina (and eBrazil) within the eNation. Today that influence reached a new high with eBolvia and eArgentina engaging in training wars and region swaps.

With the shifting of global alliances (namely in Latin America) the chances of EDEN friendly citizens coming to power in Latin America are slim.

eIndonesia vs. PACMAN

eIndonesia is attempting to expand its influence in Oceania yet again, this time taking on the newly formed PACMAN (an alliance of the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore that formed in December 2010) on its own. Yesterday eIndonesia secured the eMalaysian region of Peninsular Malaysia and will likely quash a resistance war that has been launched in the region today.

eIndonesia shows no signs of ceasing its attack on the alliance and insiders have released information that they plan to capture the final eMalaysian region later this week and then set their sights on the remaining ePhilippines regions a move that would provide eIndonesia a direct route north onto the Asian continent.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.