Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,159

Day 1,159, 10:29 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eUSA takes Balochistan from eIran, but pauses before advancing further
- The Balkans saga continues, with eTurkey suffering major defeats
- eUkraine hopes to prevent the eRussian PTO today, launching a total of 10 resistance wars
- eSpain may be in trouble as eFrance and eBrazil gear up from a joint offensive against them

Quote of the Day

“Plato is the President of Saudi Romania?” - Nalaja
In a bizzare turn of events Plato (yes the admin) has become the CP of eSaudi Arabia and is proposing laws, such as an MPP with Romania. Read more about this oddity.
Thanks to eSupernova for the story.

eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM), eTurkey, eGreece and eBulgaria

In the ongoing firestorm that is the war in the Southern Balkans, it is starting to look like the upper hand is with eGreece and eBulgaria, who today are both on the offensive in attacking native regions in eTurkey and eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM) respectively.

On the Eastern front, eBulgaria aims to once again capture the eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM) region of Eastern Macedonia. This will be the battle to watch today, with most of the 28 allies of these two eNations issuing battle orders directing citizens to deploy onto the battlefield.

However all is certainly not quiet on the Western front of this conflict, where eGreece has dealt two significant blows to eTurkey, capturing Marmara earlier this week and then Aegean Coast of Turkey yesterday. The loss of the two regions to eGreece resulted in over 7,000 eTurkish citizens (roughly half of eTurkey's population) being trapped behind enemy lines and explains why eGreece is now the most populous eNation in the eWorld with over 17,000 residents. eGreece hopes to continue its success today as it has attacked the eTurkish region of Mediterranean Coast of Turkey and with eTurkey in such bad shape is expected to win the battle.

eIran vs. eUSA

Yesterday, the eUSA found success in its bid to capture the eIranian region of Balochistan, having lost the region to eIran last week. While this time the eUSA faced little opposition in their battle for the region, wining eight mini-battles in a row, their next hurtle will be to capture a native eIranian region, namely the region of Sistan and Balochistan, which spreads across all of southern eIran creating a bottle neck prevent access to Middle East.

The eUSA and its allies were expected to attack Sistan and Balochistan later today, however their eUSA's Department of Defense orders for the day urge citizens to fight in West Srpska Republic and Eastern Macedonia meanign that the eUSA is putting its conflict with Iran on the back burner to aid allies.


As previously reported, the eUkraine has been completely wiped off the map by eRussia as eRussia plans to once again PTO its smaller neighbour next month, once again straping on the schackles of control that the eUkraine has lived under for the majority of its existence in the eWorld.

Today, the eUkraine began its attempt to prevent eRussia from accomplishing yet another PTO, launching resistance wars in nine of its occupied regions, while some of these battles have seen the eUkraine gain victories in mini-battles, the chances of the much smaller eNation breaking the eRussian occupation are slim.

However, one of the eUkraine's native regions was captured by eSlovakia last week. The friendly neighbour to the eUkraine plans to help ensure that the eUkraine is not PTOed by eRussia and is ordering its citizens to fight for the resistance in its occupied eUkarinian region. Once the Ukraine is back on the map, eSlovakia will likely attack the region tieing it up from an assualt from eRussia long enough to ensure that Congress elections on the 25 days proceed.


eSpain is currently involved in three wars on two continents. The eNations which once, with ePoland, formed the backbone of the EDEN alliance, has retreated somewhat from its role in the alliance and now focuses most of its attention on itself. However the recent aggression that the eNation of roughly 10,000 citizens has shown to its smaller enemies (eVenezuala and ePortugal) may soon be curtailed by two of it historically much larger foes.

Throughout the month of January, eSpain has been slowly expanding its territories, capturing regions in ePortugal and expanded from there into resource rich eVenezuala. However, in Europe ePortugals ally eFrance has decided to even the odds a bit and has attacked and captured eSpain's bordering regions of Catolonia and Navarra. Today, eFrance hopes to push further into eSpain as it has attacked the central Spainish region of Aragon.

However, if eFrance gave eSpain pause to reassess their strategy, then the movements of South American titan eBrazil should scare eSpain. Today, eBrazil attacked their northern neighbour eVenezuala. eBrazil plans to move into the eNation and push eSpain back, removing them from South America all together.

For anyone who was active in October, this scenario should sound quite familiar as the last time eSpain was attacked by both eFrance and eBrazil they were nearly wiped off the map, however with the aid of the full force of EDEN they were able to push back against their aggressors. However, the situation is different for eSpain this time around as they have somewhat alienated themselves from their EDEN allies. Should eFrance and eBrazil continue into eSpain, the outcome may not be the same as before.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.