Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,154

Day 1,154, 10:32 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eItaly RWs the hell out of eSlovenia
- Battle in the Balkans rages on, war breaks out on two fronts...again
- eMexico goes Turkish and works with the eUSA?
- eUSA and eIran in a cage match for middle east control

Quote of the Day

“you cannot handle the power of Fan fiction?” - Duke Leto

eItaly and eSlovenia

eItaly finally caught a break in their war with eSlovenia yesterday, and a phenomenal break it was. Together with the help of their allies, eItaly successfully won 12 resistance wars against eSlovenia, essentially returning every eSlovenian occupied region to its original owner (eGermany, eAustria, etc.). Yesterday’s EDEN led success has resulted in eSlovenia holding only its native regions.

Hedging their bets, eItaly pushed further, attacking the native eSlovenian region of Slovenian Littoral yesterday. While eSlovenia and her allies will likely hold onto the region today, yesterday’s defeat of their non-native regions essentially reset the war between the two eNations.

eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM), eTurkey, eGreece and eBulgaria

In a series of coordinated battles between the four neighbouring eNations of eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM), eTurkey, eGreece and eBulgaria, the tide of war has turned many times. Following their victory on home soil, eBulgaria brought the fight back to the eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM) yesterday, attacking their region of Eastern Macedonia. While the battle seems stacked in eBulgaria’s favour, with the eNation securing the first four mini-battles in a row, help was on the way for eRepublic of Macedonia(FYROM).

eTurkey who had lost its border with eBulgaria to eGreece last week, was able to regain the region yesterday. Upon their success in retaking the region of Marmara they immediately attack eBulgaria once more, hitting the region of Burgas. With wars on two fronts of the eNation, both of which include large MPP stacks, eBulgaria has been overwhelmed and has begun to loose both battles.

With eTurkey having the option to attack yet another eGreek region, the only hope for eBulgaria will be whether she can muster enough ally support from outside the region, which may happen as the hours pass and eBulgaria’s Western allies awaken.


Today, eMexico continued its attempt remove the eUSA from its native regions, launching resistance wars in Valley of Mexico and Gulf of Mexico. While the eNation would not normally be able to accomplish victory againts the eUSA, aid has come from a group of eTurkish political outcasts who have chosen to settle in eMexico.

The group, a left wing political collective, called Incisozluk (INCI for short) has moved to eMexico to begin a new start. While their numbers are significant, they plan to work with the existing eMexicans as much as possible to build a joint society. Their first order of business has been to “improve” relations with the eUSA and in doing so, should be able to reclaim the majority of eMexican regions back under eMexican control (the eUSA has asked citizens to not fight in the eMexican RW in Valley of Mexico).

The response within eMexico to the group has been mixed, however in an interview published yesterday with one of the groups leaders, connections have started to form and there appears to be a realisation that if they work together, eMexico will be stronger.

eUSA and eIran

After declaring eIran their natural enemy earlier today, eIran is attempted to put an end to a potential war with the eUSA, before it every really begins. Today eIran attacked the eUSA occupied region of Balochistan.

The eUSA had planned on moving into eIran in a bid to secure the region and gain potential access to eTurkey, the Balkans and not to mention the new eNations that will be added in two days. However should eIran be successful in it attack today, they would no longer share a border with the eUSA, closing their current war with the Western giant and its allies. Should the eUSA be removed from Balochistan they would be required to move back through ePakistan to be within striking distance of eIran once again.

Both the eUSA and eIran have set the battle for Balochistan as their highest military priority for today.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.