Around the World in 60 seconds : Day 1,150

Day 1,150, 09:45 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- Feature: the Admin plan to add three new eNations on Day 1,156
- eMacedonia pushes into eBulgaria
- ePoland aims to wipe the eNetherland off the map: would gain a border with the eUK

New eNations and more wars?

Yesterday, the Admin announced that they would be adding eSaudi Arabia, eEgypt and the eUnited Arab Emirates to the eWorld. Apparently this decision was based on ip traffic originating within the three countries, sparking the admin to recognise potential “clients”. According to the announcement all three eNations will be added on day 1,156.

As with the addition of any new eNation, the impact of such an addition resonates outside of the newly filled grey zone. In the case of these two, that impact will likely be significant as should these eNaitons trend in similar directions as their RL counterparts, the game will most likely add a new constant war zone to replace or more likely duplicate the Balkans. In addition to the new eNations, the admin announced a significant number of new connections between existing eNations.

eEgypt: with a rapidly modernising capital city the size of Cairo (metro 20,000,000 people), eEgypt is best positioned to swiftly grow into the largest of the three new eNations. Should we take RL history into account, tensions will likely erupt between this future middle eastern giant and the currently isolated eIsrael. In September, I interviewed then eIsraeli CP Aeroner and he had this to say about the eventual addition, “eIsrael would welcome the addition of eEgypt and hope for mutual benefits from such a geographically close eNation, however we are certainly concerned that relations could swiftly sour and will be positioning ourselves politically for any eventuality”.

While Israel currently enjoys a more peaceful relationship with Egypt than the vast majority of other middle eastern states, this has certainly not been the case historically, and the majority of Egyptians still do not believe that Israel should exist, according to BBC polling data.

It is currently planned that eEgypt will share a border with eIsrael, eCyprus, eGreece, eSaudi Arabia and eTurkey.

eSaudi Arabia: as the geographically largest of the eNations to be added, eSaudi Arabia will fill in a large area of the middle east and create a third land bridge connecting Asia to Europe.

Historically RL Saudi Arabia has forged close relations with the United States, mostly due to financial benefit, but also due to tensions both nations have had with Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have a long history of political and cultural clashes that have mostly resulted from religious differences (Shia vs. Sunni). Should in-game relations mimic RL relations, conflict between eSaudi Arabia and eIran is likely. However the one common ground the both of these eNations will find, is a mutual dislike for RL Israel.

eSaudi Arabia will likely border eIran, eIsrael and the eUnited Arab Emirates.

eUnited Arab Emirates (eUAE): While the eUAE is by far the smallest of the three new eNations, geographically and in population, it is in RL the most technologically advanced (high HDI index rating) of the three and has enjoyed an almost exponential growth over the last decade.

The UAE is also the only, of the three new eNations, to currently express no public discontent with Israel, nor with Saudi Arabia and Iran. Politically and legally, the UAE is considered one of the most progressive middle eastern nations (mostly as they don’t execute “convicted” homosexuals).

The eUAE is expected to border eIran, ePakistan(currently occupied by eChina) and eSaudi Arabia.

eMacedonia(FYROM) and eBulgaria

Yesterday, eMacedonia(FYROM) continued the success in battles against eBulgaria capturing the regions of Sofia and Vidin within the last 48 hours. It is expected that eMacedonia(FYROM), who is a close ally of eTurkey and eSerbia, will continue its assault on eBulgaria later today.

With only four native regions left in the Balkans (eBulgaria is currently renting two regions in eIran), eBulgaria’s allies will likely soon prioritise the battle fought within the eNations as its geographical location is invaluable to EDEN and its allies.

ePoland and the eNetherlands

Today, ePoland continued is military campaign against the eNetherlands, attacking the eNations only remaining region of Southern Netherlands. With the battle expected to be successful for ePoland, the eNetherland’s current MPP (with eSerbia) will be removed and the eNations will need to regain a region before the 25th of the month or suffer the serious possibility of a political take-over (PTO) as their citizenship will be open.

The impact of ePoland capturing the region of Southern Netherlands will certainly be felt across the English Channel as the region borders the eUnited Kingdom region of East of England and would provide ePoland with access to the British Isles.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.