Abroad and Back

Day 6,081, 19:39 Published in Japan Pakistan by Otaku Gangsta

Abroad and Back

There's no place quite as alive as Japan. The peasants here are often overjoyed by simple things, like an extra scoop of rice on top of their entree. The land of the rising sun, hard working and independent.

You might know me as a friend, congressman, president, or that guy who gave you a tax refund for merely logging in and pressing a few fight buttons. What you do not know is my experiences while I traveled recently.

Ireland is a dead husk of a Nation with no collective memory of the game. Sure, you'll see their leadership shouting once in a while about similar things as the JUDO program or a Epic battle in their training, but deep inside the state there's no common knowledge left in their history.

Pakistan is by and large worse than Ireland. None of them are in the /v/aki chat server yet claim to be zealots. They make fewer and fewer attempts to retain the very few people who join there. I guess in other words they're living a meme that they don't know how to propagate.

USA, ah what is that like? Automations swiping through days with their cards in a frantic race to find closure that never comes. The whole World apparently questions the legitimatecy of the nation that their own allies procecute them in battle. Why? Because they're lost in admins manifest of a game and they are not in charge of it.

Who wants a better game? You think micro transactions will dig a hole for you or get you out of one? Because we are all in the hole collectively speaking. The splendor died with the beta giants. Most of whom are quite successful elsewhere.

Get with it erepublik.


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