[MoD] Update of the current eSwiss military situation

Day 2,047, 05:16 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

Dear citizens,

In one week, I will be done with my current job of MoD. I wanted to uptdate our situation and share to everyone what was done.

3 weeks ago, Slovenia started the World War by invading our regions. We fought bravely but our current military strengh was not enought to resist.

The new government in which I'm the MoD organised an uprising day: Switzerland was supposed to RW in Graubunden while Italy started another RW at the same time. These were a clear success. But Slovenia NE Italy: It was close, but they lost. To save our congress, a Swiss congressmen started a NE that was voted in Congress. As we can imagine, Switzerland resited better than few weeks before, but lost its attack. Slovenia counter quickly. They attacked our last region, Graubunden. We where about to win.

But when everything is going fine, something unexpected came as always. Checking votes for congress, swiss votes for congress where doubled compared to last month. These votes where clearely to the advantage of multies in SRL and SCP. These multies had already 3 CM for the past month and accepted 3 hungarians.

Switzerland had two choice: stop fighting, being wiped and have no congress so no other PTO would come. The other was going for the win and have a PTOed congress and new illegal entrance. The government stoped the battle because the PTO danger is more important than being wippe for few days.

Croatia NE Slovenia. We started RW in Graubunden and Romandie to first get our regions and than drain damage for Croatia. We succed while Slovenia was concentrate in Croatian NE. Switzerland has currently 2 regions, 2 more than at the begining of my therm as MoD.

But today, Croatia lost in an epic battle 82-83. Croatia have been once again wipe from Europe.

Switzerland won 3 RW this month against Slovenia and lost 2 NE and 1 RW. I consider therefore this mionth as a success for Switzerland against the Slovenian and TWO domination in the eWorld.

But I must do some special thanks now to people who get it possible. Let start by people who supplied for the country while I was not aviable: Walen, the one that supplied the most for last battles, jason-welsh our MoFA, Benjamin Doverton, Get What I Can and some other citizens. Do not forget awesome help from strangers: Naluteniot that offered yesterday q7 tanks and supplied in our RW, the Italians fighters that came in nuber to help,... I thank also the amazing job did by Italian government and Croatian government in order to find an agreement/strategy regardless our different allies. Thanks also to our CP that did a great job. I always received supplies for battles when I needed.

The 10q7 for battle orders is still working fine I see new citizens asking it.

Concerning the poll, I encourage you to publish your last answers. I will publish the result before CP elections. Fill it at this link if it is not done! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1p32VYAA-EO1FOPfjDS0t6iZVynjvbOb-LlGiY8kLVIA/viewform

Finaly, CP elections are coming. I wish to continue my job under Chukcha presidency. I beleive that this ex CP and close to CoT is the best military choice for the country. I see no one here closer to our alliance and in those crucial times (US wipe, Peru wipe, Belgium wipe, SK wipe, Bulgaria wipe,...) he is the man of the situation.

For Switzerland,

Swiss MoD